Why do athletes and navy seals recommend taking a cold shower? strength. endurance. resilience.  Find out what reaction is happening inside the body, and you'll have to consider taking a cold shower too!

Have you ever noticed that your mind and body feel entirely different from the start of your walk, to the end? Here's why...

You can detox your gut with juice cleanses, and your skin with clay masks.  But  how do you clean up the most complex organ of the body...the brain?

So you know about muscles...and bones...but did you know about the web of connective tissue covering everything inside your body?

Do you live in submission to the needs and wants of the world spiraling around you, or in submission to the world cycling within you?

Do you realize that we are mammals too?  Just as animals change with the seasons so should we  What if you could unlock a deeper level of harmony by listening to your innate instincts and syncing your rituals with the seasons? 

Did you know your sense of smell is your strongest sense linked to your memory and emotions? Here's why. And how to take advantage of that fact.

You can detox your gut with juice cleanses, and your skin with clay masks.  But  how do you clean up the most complex organ of the body...the brain?