Pesto Zoodles

INGREDIENTS:       ~30min prep time; serves 4; VEGATERIAN

~5 to 7oz jar of pesto 

~cherry tomatoes 



~2 large zucchinis (in zoodled form if you do not have a zoodler)

~olive oil

~Featured Herb: basil

~Secret Ingredient: capers


1. Chop up onion and heat on medium-low heat with 3tbsp olive oil.

2. Slice cherry tomatoes in half and let simmer with the onions and oil.

3. Chiffonade basil and add to the simmer.

4. Add mushroom slices and heat on medium heat until onions and mushrooms begin to lightly brown. 

5. Add spiralized zucchini noodles, and cook until they begin to soften.

6. Add pesto and capers if desired.  Cook on low heat for 4min.

7. Enjoy!