sweet chili rice noodles

INGREDIENTS:   pescatarian  ~25min prep time; serves 3

~sweet chili sauce 

~rice noodles

~baby shrimp

~1 red onion

~1 red pepper

~black pepper 


~lime juice

~Featured Herb: fresh cilantro

~Secret Ingredient: rice vinegar


1. Bring a medium pot of water to a boil. Cook noodles for 4-5min until soft. Strain. Set aside in cold water. 

2. Shell shrimp and begin cooking in a medium pan on medium-high heat.  Dust with salt, black pepper and lime juice.

3. Cut onion and paper into thin strips.  Add to pan once shrimp are cooked.

4. Turn to low heat. Add strained noodles, and mix in bottle of chili sauce--enough to coat each noodle.

5. Do not overcook or noodles will get too soft.  If noodles get too sticky to the pan or too dry add a table spoon of water at a time.

6. Add lime juice and a dash of rice vinegar to taste.

7. Serve with a garnish of fresh cilantro. Enjoy!