Get organized, automate routines, and help make your students more engaged!

Oh No! Tech Problems Again.......

Don't worry! "Everything is figureoutable." As a person that knows technology very well without any type of technology degree, it is that if you go looking for answers and you don't give up, not only will you get those answers, but you will learn plenty in the process. Instead of letting tech issues stop what you are going to do or prevent you from a great lesson you have planned, try using Google Search and YouTube. You will be able to find the answer you are looking for if you keep trying different things and you have persistence. "How do I plug wires into my Smartboard?" What do I do when I receive a 404 error on a webpage? Whatever it is - you can do it!


This is the most engaging, informative, and interactive program that you can use for any student in any class. Oh, and it's free! If you've never heard of this, then please create an account as soon as possible.

Chromebook Management

Instead of putting student names on computers and changing them every year, try a number system. Each number is associated with a student. Put that number on all of the student's books, chromebook, supplies, and whatever else you can think of. Sometimes it is easier to create one system and stick with it.

Class Dojo

Classroom Management -

Parent Communication -

Kindergarten - High School -

(Try adding real pictures of students instead of monsters for older students.)

Teacher Hacks

Do you use Google Classroom (you should). This is an organization hack that will keep yourself, your students, and your parents in one place when its time to get work done. Super easy and super helpful. Check it out-------->

Check back in November for an even better tip. How does never having to grade papers again sound? Sounds too good to be true, but it's not!

You do not want to miss this!