Get organized, automate routines, and help make your students more engaged!

Use Your Time Wisely With EdTech

When used correctly, set up in advance, and practiced on, edtech can save you tremendous time and energy:



However, integrating edtech into the classroom takes some work up front. Depending on the technology used, you may need to upload documents and lesson plans, create accounts, and revise past lessons. Plus, you should gain some familiarity with the technology ahead of time. When beginning your use of a new technology, it’s important to include additional time to overcome this learning curve. Despite the initial start-up effort, though, the potential for time and effort savings with educational technology are HUGE!!! If you expect to be teaching for the next 3 years, 5 years or 10+ years, investing your time in edtech today will greatly save your time in the future. 


This is one of the simplest and most collaborative edtech tools that you can start using with your class today. Students can type their answers to your written question and everyone has the ability to see the responses. 


Top Robotics Programs that You Can Introduce to Your Principal: 

QR Code Generator Sites

Google: "QR Code Generator" and you can select from a number of generators. I can reccomend QRCode-Monkey as it is linked to the QR code above. There are 101 educational activities you can link to a QR code. Try it today! 

Teacher Hacks

Do you use Google Classroom (you should). This is an organization hack that will keep yourself, your students, and your parents in one place when it's time to get work done. Super easy and super helpful.