Get organized, automate routines, and help make your students more engaged!

Cross-Curricular Podcasts

Podcast creation is an excellent way to engage students in learning and encourage cross-curricular connections. Here are some ideas for podcast creation in different subject areas:



Social Studies:


By creating podcasts, students can improve their communication skills, develop their research and critical thinking skills, and deepen their understanding of various subject areas. The cross-curricular connections between subjects can also help students see how different disciplines relate to one another in the real world.


Every YouTube video can become a video assessment with EdPuzzle. This is one of the most engaging and widely-used programs in education. 

           Computer Helpers

Forgot to charge the chromebooks the night before? Have someone in your class be in charge of making sure the computers are ready to go the next day. 


This is the best program to eliminate online cheating, off-task students, and monitor student chromebook activity. It is not free and can be very pricey. Talk to your admin about this and see if its right for your school.  

Teacher Hacks

Do you use Google Classroom (you should). This is an organization hack that will keep yourself, your students, and your parents in one place when its time to get work done. Super easy and super helpful. 

<-------- Check it out