The Life Story of PewDiePie

(For Legal Reasons, Everything on this website is a joke)

Firstly, who Is PewDiePie?


In 2010, PewDiePie dropped out of college and started his YouTube channel. The videos showed him playing various games with commentary, doing silly acts or idiotic screeching on camera.


April 2016: PDP expresses regret over using words like gay or retarded casually in his old videos. However, it doesn't stop him from creating the name "T-Gay" to insult T series in 2019, which shows that his remorse was fake.

Aug 2016: In one video , he makes an extended racist joke comparing Harambe the gorilla to Saturday Night Live and Ghostbustersactress and comedian Leslie Jones who is black.

Dec 2016: Pewdiepie paid 2 Indians on Fiverr and made them say "Death to All Jews" and record it. He later created a video in which he shows this. After the outrage, he shared the video of an israeli man who made a video saying "Hitler Did nothing wrong" while dressed as Jesus, because of which his account was deleted. Later, PewDiePie joked in another now-deleted video, “It’s a little bit ironic that Jews somehow found another way to fuck Jesus over.”


Jan 2017: PewDie Shows in multiple videos (9 videos) Nazi symbolism like swastikas, nazi march, nazi salute, and hitler videos. He removes them after disney fires him for his antisemitic rhetoric.

Feb 2017: PewDiePie tacitly compares himself to Hitler, gives a Nazi salute, and shows a series of clips of Nazi imagery, including a crowd of Nazis saluting, Nazi soldiers marching, and footage of Hitler Youth

Feb 2017: PewDiePie states "I'm just a guy. It's literally just me. There's not a producer out there [...] there's no writer, there's no camera guy." but after a couple of months, hires a Production Assistant, Editors and a couple of employees. Despite bullying corporations with the rhetoric "Creators not corporations", PewDiePie becomes more of a corporation as time passes.

April 2017: PewDiePie says “I said publicly a year and a half ago that I was going to distance myself from Nazi jokes and that kind of stuff, because I want nothing to do with it” . However, in 2019, in one of his songs Congratulations, he inserts the lyric , "Bout to cause a genocide so you can call me Hi— (Hitler)" showing that his remorse was fake.

Mar 2017: PewDiePie expresses that he ran out of content and is experiencing burn out from the pressure of having to upload videos everyday.

Sep 2017: PewDiePie uses the word "What a Fucking Nig**r" in his Live Stream. Later he says that he didn't mean it in a bad way and that he just wanted to say "What a fucking Asshole".

Thousands of people trend the hashtag #PewDiePieIsOverParty on twitter. Instead of apologizing, PewDiePie retweets a racist tweet of idubbbz

After all this, in a later livestream, PewDiePie & his partner Brad repeatedly skirt around the N-Word as shown in this unlisted video proving that Pewdiepie's apologies are just a farce.


Feb 2018: PewDiePie promotes Jordan Peterson's controversial self help book "12 rules for life" on his channel.

May 2018: PewDiePie attacks Alinity and other Twitch streamers and tags them with a derogatory term "Stupid Twitch Thots" for showing skin to gain subscribers. On the other hand, PewDiepie many times showed Hentai (Anime porn) games on his channel

Nov 2018: Alt Right Anti Muslim transphobic Ben Shapiro hosts Pewdiepie's meme review

Oct 2018: Pewdiepie releases the song "Bitch Lasagna" with several racist lyrics & dog-whistles against Indians. The aim of the song was primarily to keep the artificial "War" alive by bringing the Indians who remained dis-interested so far into the War. Pewdiepie's song inspires a host of racists who started disliking all T series videos and posting racist comments. The song was later banned by High Court in India & pewdiepie did not contest the ban.

As Pewdiepie hoped, the following lyrics offend Indians:

  • I'm a blue eyes white dragon while you're just dark magician (They aren't even lead cards in Yugioh)
  • hold your defecation (Dog whistle to "Street Shitter" meme.)
  • Your language sounds like it came from a mumble rap community
  • Bobs or vegana, Bitch Lasagna, (References implying that all Indians are perverts asking for boobs on internet. No idea how this is linked with T series)
  • you India, you lose (No idea how this is linked with T series. Hypocritically, he later complained that T series is using nationalism in this "War")
Haters & racists inspired by Pewdiepie

Dec 2018: PewDiePie promotes openly Antisemitic channel E:R on his channel. The video receives 7 million views before taken down by Youtube and E;R receives 90,000 subscribers in a day. About E;R: On his Gab account, when another user asked him, “What is the best way to red pill people on the (((Jewish Question))),” the owner of the E;R channel responded, “Pretend to joke about it until the punchline /really/ lands.”

On top of that, the death note video PewDiePie specifically recommended to his audience in the video had this in the description: "This video took too long to make because I kept wanting to call "black L" the N word but I had to redo the script because of Youtube's thought policing." Yikes.


Feb 2019: PewDiePie fans repeatedly vandalize World War 2 War memorial with graffiti saying "Subscribe to Pewdiepie"

Feb 2019: When people observed that Pewdiepie follows only far right accounts on twitter, he instead of denouncing his affiliations with far right or far left, just unfollowed all of his 50 followed accounts, which shows that he doesn't want to denounce his ties with the alt right.

Of the 50 accounts Pewdiepie follows, 16 are political accounts, of which 15 accounts are Alt Right accounts (Click on image to enlarge)

Mar 2019: Christchurch shooter yelled "subscribe to PewDiePie" before murdering 50 muslims and citing "The great Replacement" as his reason for doing it (conspiracy pushed by Lauren Southern who pewdiepie followed). Pewds only responded to this with a half assed tweet, and in the very next video, the meme on his tv screen in the background was the "SHUT THE FUCK UP, LIBERAL!" meme. Pewdiepie resumes his activity on the second day after the shooting (Also releases a diss track with many racist lines about Indians & a line about genocide a few weeks later)

Mar 2019: Pewdiepie releases "Congratulations" song insulting Indians with racist lyrics, just a few days after the horrific NZ shooting. This song is later banned by High Court of India. Amazon Music & Spotify voluntarily ban his songs. These lyrics offended People:

  • "Bout to cause a genocide so you can call me Hi— (Hitler)": PDP said in April 2017 that he is done with the Nazi Jokes yet he chose to add this line in his song
  • Did you know that Indians have poo-poo in their brains?: He followed this up with It is a racist lie but this is yet another dog whistle against Indians. This line was not at all needed here.
  • India got YouTube figured out, that's sick, son. How 'bout next you figure how to fix the caste system? : Caste based discrimination is banned in India. Also, just pdp talking about this in his video doesn't help anyone.
  • Maybe all those ads will solve your crippling poverty: Another jibe at the shortcomings of India. Nothing to do with T series.

Also, Pewdiepie's tendency to promote #FakeNews whenever it suits him is exposed as his lyrics contained many False claims. Below false claims against T series founder led T series to file a case against Pewdiepie's songs in Indian High Court:

  • Hope that #MeToo stuff doesn't severely affect your bottom line: The #Metoo incident was a false claim by a lady who wanted money and even Pewdiepie knew that as it is in wiki article PDP took his news from
  • T-Series can eat a dick. Suck my fucking Swedish meatballs: A lot of kids younger than 10 years see his songs & learn these abuses from him
  • I'm certain that you haven't had collusions with the mafia: T series founder was killed for not bowing down to the mafia. PDP distorts facts & exposes the vile side of his character by concocting fake news.
  • Guess to beat one Swedish boy, you need a billion Asians: Pewdiepie repeatedly says in his old videos that T series is using Nationalism yet in this line he equates all Indians to T series subscribers
  • Was a massive corporate entity with every song in Bollywood: T series only owns 35% of the market and doesn't have all songs of bollywood. Another #Fakenews

Apr 2019: PewDiePie creates two videos with racism and dog whistles against Indians. Indian high court orders these videos to be banned in India and youtube blocks them in India. The songs contain false accusations against T series creator and its CEO.

Apr 2019: The Poway Synanogue shooter references the "Subscribe to Pewdiepie" meme in his manifesto.

Apr 2019: Pewdiepie officially ends the war after it becomes clear that he can never surpass T-Series, who were ahead of Pewdiepie by 1.3 million subscribers then.

Apr 2019: Fans of PewDiepie collect money to fly a plane in NYC. Just a day after Pewdiepie asked his fans to stop the meme (to avoid further shooters from calling out his name), the plane flies over New York with the message "Subscribe to Pewdiepie" and unsurprisingly, Pewdiepie live streams it and enjoys the video.