A journey through complex systems:

from interacting particles to games

A workshop in honor of Paolo Dai Pra's

60th birthday

September 21-24, 2022

L'Aquila and online

This workshop will celebrate the 60th birthday of Paolo Dai Pra through a series of talks that will cover the full spectrum of research lines to which Paolo has contributed with groundbreaking approaches and results.

The covered topics include:

  • complex systems in biological and social sciences,

  • geometric and scaling properties of stochastic processes,

  • convergence to equilibrium and functional inequalities for interacting particle systems,

  • mean-field games and stochastic control.

The objective is to gather mathematicians working on these themes, to exchange ideas and report back on progresses, with a particular emphasis on the latest advances and future directions.


The workshop will be held at Palazzetto dei Nobili, in piazza Santa Margherita, in the city centre of L’Aquila, and will be also broadcast online. It will be live streamed on the YouTube channel of the University of L'Aquila (visit https://www.univaq.it/live and click on the red banner); moreover, a Webex link for interactive remote participation will be sent to all registered participants.


Francesca Collet (Verona)

Marco Formentin (Padova)

Pierre-Yves Louis (Dijon)

Ida Germana Minelli (L'Aquila)

Elena Sartori (Padova)

Marco Tolotti (Ca' Foscari Venezia)

The poster of the workshop can be downloaded here.