It produces unicode garbage like this 171177. Sometimes an emoji will display fine in the preview, and be nonsense in the editor but will save again as an emoji just fine. Othertimes an emoji would display just as intended. So I'm not quite sure what the trigger is, I haven't been able to reproduce it since the problem always catches me by surprise. But its super annoying, I often don't know what the garbage string used to be.

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@Jay was able to replicate the issue. Created one file on desktop and through dropbox app. Adding ' ' to the dropbox file broke it. It did not preview correctly, and editing and saving the file broke all special characters in the doc, although some characters still display on desktop (for now) they are just junk strings on mobile.

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I use Dropbox to edit small (less than 500 character) text files with standard characters (A-Z, 0-9, semicolon). There has been a recent change. When saving the file, there are junk characters that appear in the file when it is read from another device. The junk characters disappear after leaving the text editor (even though there was not another save).

I use small text files to control various machines and equipment. A computer monitors my Dropbox text files for changes and commands. I modify the text files from various computers, including an Android phone.

While making some changes to my program, I noticed the incoming file had garbage characters at the end of a line I would edit. The garbage would exists for only a few moments after being changed. After being read a couple of times, the file would read ok without the garbage.

I would make a change to a small text file on my phone. A computer would read the file using the Dropbox APIs, but the modified lines would contain garbage. The computer would read the file a few moments later and the garbage would be gone.

I'm using a rich text editor component inside a form. I set the value in the success event of a query api resource. When I want to submit the form I get a different value in the submit event for the rich text editor value then the state value of the component? The returned value is some kind of default value.

This actually looks very similar to the bug mentioned in this thread which we've had some trouble reproducing Do you notice the same issue if you reference the rich text editor's value before submitting the form?

In my app it happens almost every time. I added an onfocus event with a simple console.log of the value on the rich editor component and the value is still wrong.

In the state view the value is correct. In my opinion there is something wrong with getting the value of the rich editor component.

Thanks for that @Robby_Ceyssens! That helps a lot for recreating the issue. We can let you know here when it's fixed - in the meantime can you try using setValue on a temporary state instead of the Rich Text Editor itself and then pass {{ yourTempState.value }} as the "Default value" for the component:

I also noticed now I used the value currentRow.text to get the selected value in my table. For the temp state workaround I needed to use selectedRow.text because currentRow.text didn't have the correct value. Maybe this is related to the bug?

Ah, that is also something on the dev team's radar. It may be related but some of the other reports for the bug you originally reported weren't referencing currentRow so it seems as though the scope is a bit broader as well.

We just started to use a few more apps with the rich text editor but the workaround using the temp state value is still causing very regular errors. A lot of times no content at all is showing in the rich text editor so this is not usable at this time for us.

You can reproduce the error in this app: Partnerberichten - copy

When you search for the id "18768" and select the row, the value of the field "NewsitemDescription" (Beschrijving) is not displayed although it based on a temp state value.

It's a fix for currentRow and currentSourceRow as they exist in the context of "Click row" and "Click cell" event handlers. Since both are dependent on which row is clicked they don't exist more generically in the state of the table, but should work properly in the event handlers.

I already reported these problems with the rich text editor months ago and I have been in contact with support a few times. This problem is reproducable and is related to timing issues I think because it doesn't happen every time.

I'm also still waiting for a solution for this.

I created an app Robby which you can use to reproduce the problem if you open the app on our staging environment and select the row with grantId 951.

The detail tab is selected when selecting a row. In the detail tab you can see 2 fields 'introduction' and 'description'. The wysiwyg field should contain the same value as the text field above it since it uses the same form key.

And to clarify, I am NOT asking how to change the default editor in Windows for .vhd files, I know that ModelSim is using the default program. I wish to know if there is any way to have ModelSim be the editor for files double-clicked in the ModelSim GUI rather than the default one popping up.

I suspect you are using projects as the default behaviour is to open the file as read-only, this is independent of the Windows preferences. As Shyan mentioned you can change the double click behaviour from the project settings. Check to see if you don't have some custom setting for example "edit %f".

When you next start Modelsim it will write a new set of default key values, your double click should now be as per the default. Be careful editing your registry as you can serious screw up your Windows.

Now the question is why do you want to use the Modelsim editor, it is only useful for setting breakpoints, back annotation and single stepping, as a source code editor it is pretty basic, notepad++ is much much better.

I would also suggest not using projects as they will at some point start to work against you. Using .do/.tcl files is dead simple (just copy and paste from the transcript) and will make your life a lot easier,

Intel does not verify all solutions, including but not limited to any file transfers that may appear in this community. Accordingly, Intel disclaims all express and implied warranties, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, as well as any warranty arising from course of performance, course of dealing, or usage in trade.

I was wondering if anyone has ever tried to embed a text editor (i.e. Notepad++, Emacs, etc...) into a string control on a front panel GUI. By this I mean instead of a 'dumb' string control on the front panel, it is another program like notepad++ being shown in the front panel, with all of the functionality and finesses that the original program includes. I could create a notepad++ light edition using the string control and whole bunch of events, but it would be much easier if I could just show a finished program inside of the front panel 'container'. I have another program that is an analysis program in which I do this very thing... that program exposes an active x object that I then use in another VI. Currently I have used the system exec function together with the command line command codes to perform the functionality that I need. It just isn't as good as having control remain in LabVIEW. This VI launches notepad++ and waits for the user to complete editing the text and saving the file. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

I have used the .NET Rich Text control before to implement a simple text editor, but you still have to do quite a lot of coding to handle the events thrown up by the control. On the last project i was working on I simply used a string control because i did not need any formatting. Ctrl-X and Ctrl-V work in a string control without any programming, and using property nodes such as text.selection allow you to do stuff with your own toolbar. You can also do a custom shortcut menu for the control. The windows clipboard can be accessed using th Application Method Clipboard.Read or Write.

Thanks for your replies. I was wondering where I could find the .NET rich text control you mentioned? You also mentioned that there are alot of active x text editors to be had cheaply... Do you have one or more specifically in mind (and a link to that as well), preferably one that you have personally tried and think that it works well.

Most people are familiar with accidentally bumping the insert key, and then typing and finding that there text has been replaced. (overwritten with the new text they just typed.)I've used it maybe a hand full of times for it's intended purpose.But what is the change that the new text is the same size as the old? and then you have to press delete if your new text it too short. (or switch to insert mode, if it is too long)

I am certainly familiar with the annoyance of accidentally hitting the Insert key. I never use it intentionally -- although @Marjan Venema's argument about fixed-with plain text makes sense, I would never have thought of that myself. Maybe in future I will actually use it for that purpose!

That said, if your application is going to use "overwrite" mode, please, please switch the cursor to a block cursor (i.e., covering up the character that is about to be over-written with a semi-transparent coloured rectangle). 152ee80cbc

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