For manually create grade items (those that are not associated with a Moodle quiz or activity), you may enter grades by typing them directly into the Moodle Gradebook. For grade items associated with Moodle quizzes or activities, you can still enter grades using the method. However, when you do, you are actually performing a grade override. Doing so will prevent the quiz or activity from automatically making any further updates to the grade. This is typically done in cases where, for example, a student successfully argues over the validity of a quiz question and the instructor wishes to award some additional points on a case by case basis. But regardless of whether you are entering grades for a manually created grade item or overriding a Moodle activity grade, the steps are the same:

Once a grade has been overridden, further updates by the quiz or activity will not be reflected in the Gradebook. The new calculated grade will still be stored in Moodle but the Gradebook will not reflect this change. In order for the quiz or activity to resume controlling the grade depicted in the gradebook, you will need to remove the override. Furthermore, simply enabling editing and removing the previously entered grade and saving changes does NOT remove the override. That action simply overrides the first override with a empty (but the empty is still considered an override). To actually remove an override:

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I had a student accidentally unenroll themself from the course, realize their error, and reenroll. All their grades are still on the site in the logs for the individual activities, but the grade book is empty for them.

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Your instructor may also use additional tools such as checklists or progress checkboxes to help you keep track of required activities by letting you check off, or automatically checking off submitted work (see below).

The Overview report shows your overall grades (like a report card), with links to your User report for each class you are currently enrolled in.

Note: Instructors may not allow you to see a running total of your current standing in a course, in which case you may only see a dash (-) for your grade in that course.

Some instructors add a Checklist activity to one or more Sections down the middle of a Moodle course. Checking off work isn't the same as submitting. Rather, these activities are memo tools for you to manage your work. Instructors may set up Moodle activities to automatically check when completed, but more often checklists are provided as a tool for you to manage your own workload.

If a course includes Checklist activities, you may also see a Checklist block on the side of the main course page if your instructor has chosen to add it. This block gives you a current count of how many activities you have completed out of the total.

Your instructor may choose to add checkboxes directly on the Moodle course page to help you to manage your own workload.

Note: Not all courses have checkboxes. This is an option your instructor may choose to add.

If checkboxes are enabled, you will see a heading at the top right of the main course page that says, Your progress. Below that, in the Topic or Weekly Sections, a checkbox will appear next to required items.

Letter grades cannot be entered into the Moodle gradebook in a manner that aggregates them into the course grade but it is possible to enter numerical grades and set them to display as letter grades to students. Letter grades can be set to display to students for individual grade items or the entire gradebook. Faculty may also customize the numeric-to-letter grade conversion scheme for the course.

In a workshop, during the "assessment phase", students did some grading. Then I modified some weights in the "assessment form". But Moodle did not recalculate the grades. I tried to click on "recalculate" in the "Grading evaluation phase" but it did not recalculate the grades neither.

Hi Julien. If i recall correctly, that is the only way to do it. The "Recalculate grades" buttons only aggregates the received grades. But the individual grades for each assessment are only calculated when the reviewer submits the assessment form. I think there was the reasoning that the reviewer should be aware of the weights of each assessment criterion, so it did not feel right to let them fill the form and then change the weights. But I agree there are cases when you would actually need it to happen.

*On the main gradebook screen, you can bulk insert 0 grades into all the missing grades in a column by clicking the pencil to the right of the column title and using Perform bulk insert the bottom of the screen.

Hi all. I'm not sure whether the problem that I will describe here is a bug or there is some setting that needs to be changed. I thought I'd ask here before submitting it to the bug-tracker. Perhaps someone else can either replicate it or tell me what I'm doing wrong.

In Moodle 3.1, the grades for Quizzes are not being recorded in the grade-book when completed by a non-editing teacher. Grades are recorded for students, however, and changing someone from non-editing teacher to student and having them redo the quiz makes it so that grades are now recorded.

Thanks, Paula. As far as I can see, that General Settings panel allows you to include who appears on the grade-book. But my non-editing teachers also have student roles, and thus do both appear in the grade-book. The problem is that grades are not appearing for them for Moodle Quizzes, although grades do appear for Hot Potato Quizzes.

I set up a mock course and created two accounts: one as student, one with both student-role and non-editing teacher role. The course has a hot-pot and a moodle quiz. I logged in as each in turn and did the quizzes. This is the result.

Did you try adding the grading for the non editing teachers? I am not sure about 3.1 as I am still finding new things in it, but in older versions when a user had more than one role a course, the system would count the role higher in the hierarchy and so somethings would not work in the student role because the higher role counter acted it.

Thanks, Paula and Emma. Yes, I made non-editing teachers gradeable, but their grades are still not appearing. It's odd that the grades of Hotpot quizzes are being recorded, though quizzes are not. I'm pretty sure this is a bug.

I think that you could fix this by making the non-editing teacher role a gradeable role. Then you would not need to give them the student role. This did change at one point - you used to be able to give people both roles but now it does not work as well as it used to.

Gradescope integrations with Learning Management Systems (LMSs), such as Moodle, are available with an institutional Gradescope license. When you access Gradescope through Moodle, you and your students won't need to create or use a separate Gradescope password, because you will be authenticated via your Moodle credentials. If you already have a Gradescope account under the email address that's associated with your Moodle account (e.g., your school email), when you access Gradescope in Moodle you will be taken to your existing account. If you do end up with multiple accounts under multiple emails, you can merge accounts.

Below is the general process you should follow to be able to use Gradescope with Moodle. In this guide, you'll find specific details for completing each of these steps and links to other pertinent Gradescope Help Center articles.

Occasionally, certain Moodle activities or grade items do not show up in the dropdown list when you're trying to link your Gradescope assignment to Moodle. If this is happening to you, use the list below to check that your Moodle activity or grade item is configured properly to link to Gradescope. Then if you're still having problems, please contact

To temporarily enable third party cookies, select the eye icon on the right of the URL address bar when you attempt to launch Gradescope LTI. A modal will appear where you can select "Site not working?" and then Allow cookies. This setting will reset when you restart your browser.

To permanently allow third-party cookies, go to Select Privacy and security and then Cookies and other site data. Here you will be able to Allow all cookies. This setting will remain unless you return to the settings and disable it.

I believe we use weighted means when we want to specify the weight for each item rather than having it be figured out based on the points. I created a little spreadsheet with two assignments, one is 10 points, the other 20. In simple weighted, a point is a point. But in weighted mean of grades, I can assign a weight for each item. In this example, I made each assignment an equal weight, rather than basing the weight on the points in the assignment. (Can weight it however I want, of course)

By giving each assignment the same weight in the weighted assignment, his 90% and 100% give him 95%, that is 190 out of 200 weighted points. But in Simple weighted, his 100% on the first assignment doesn't mean anything special, the student got 28 out of 30 points which is 93% of total points.

Setting up your Moodle gradebook before the start of the semester can help reduce confusion about grades and make it easier for students to track their own progress. At the end of the semester, instructors can easily submit their Moodle grades via the Wolfware Grade Submit Tool.

The relative weight of the Assignments category is 30%, or 30, compared to the other categories. In the example below, each assignment has a maximum grade of 100 points. However, it is also possible to have different maximum point values or different individual weights for each assignment. Regardless of how many points each assignment is worth, all assignments together contribute to 30% of the overall grade. This means that even if an item is deleted from or added to the category, the relative impact on the overall grade remains the same. 152ee80cbc

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