First, editors have professional experience and cost money. Professional editor is a career. There are several levels of editors. Some types of editors work on a manuscript prior to beta readers getting it. Please refer back to the past few weeks of posts for more detailed information on different types of editors and what to ask an editor before hiring.

For the writer: Give beta readers a clear understanding of the deadline. Give clear instructions. Remember beta readers are giving the gift of time invested in helping make your manuscript better. Therefore, if asking another writer to serve as a beta reader, if ever asked to return the favor, commit to doing so.

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Where does a writer find beta readers? Beta readers can come from a fan base who receives draft copies of a book in order to read it and prepare reviews prior to sales or early in the sales process. Fans as beta readers are a very valuable resource for feedback and reviews.

But again, beta readers are not professional editors and professional editors are not beta readers. Both serve a valuable role. To confuse the two or settle for working with one over the other is a mistake. A successful writer uses all possible tools to create a top-quality book!

Typora gives you a seamless experience as both a reader and a writer. It removes the preview window, mode switcher, syntax symbols of markdown source code, and all other unnecessary distractions. Instead, it provides a real live preview feature to help you concentrate on the content itself.

Visual Studio Code has many features to help make the editor accessible to all users. Zoom levels and High Contrast colors improve editor visibility, keyboard-only navigation supports use without a mouse, and the editor is optimized for screen readers.

When suggestions pop up, they are announced to screen readers. Navigate the suggestions using Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down and dismiss them with Shift+Escape. If suggestions get in your way, you can turn them off with the editor.quickSuggestions setting.

When VS Code detects that a screen reader is being used, it goes into an optimized screen reader mode for UI such as the editor and Integrated Terminal. The Status bar will display Screen Reader Optimized in the lower right. You can exit screen reader mode by clicking on the display text or using the Toggle Screen Reader Accessibility Mode command.

Some features, such as folding and minimap (code overview), are disabled when in screen reader mode. You can control whether VS Code uses screen reader mode with the Editor: Accessibility Support setting (editor.accessibilitySupport) and the values are on, off, or the default auto that automatically detects a screen reader through querying the platform.

The terminal has a feature called shell integration that enables many additional features that are not found in other terminals. When using a screen reader, the Run Recent Command and Go to Recent Directory features are particularly useful.

They are played when the primary cursor changes its line or the first time a marker is added to the current line. Audio cues are enabled automatically when a screen reader is attached, but can also be controlled by the settings audioCues.*.

Publisher seems to do a nice job in recognizing and interpreting the text from my 300+ page pdf manual I created years ago using FrameMaker. Copying and pasting selected paragraph blocks from it into Word, Publisher seems to recognize and interpret these paragraph blocks correctly. It doesn't insert returns at the end of each line as a pdf reader does, nor does it double the spaces between each word. Both are things that the pdf reader I've been testing (Sejda) does, the latter inexplicably. Both are a PITA to correct in volume.

I've been using the Adobe suite for a long time. Over the period that I've used InDesign, which otherwise is a wonderful program, I'd never tried reading a pdf with it. I've always had access to Acrobat Pro for my pdf use. It's why I was surprised with just how well Publisher worked in my recent task...especially with it being able to interpret blocks of text correctly as paragraphs. Why the Sejda pdf reader/editor was also adding extra spaces between most words was puzzling and another task to have to fix via find/replace.

I wasn't actually actively looking for a pdf reader when I posted this. Just found out as a pleasant surprise that for my generally-limited use of Acrobat's features, that Publisher would serve me nicely as a reader that also has the ability to generally correctly interpret my pdfs to allow their simple editing. Not having to even look for another simple reader is just a small bonus.

I just use ctrl+left/right arrows to go by word, which catches most punctuation separation as well. This would be something a code editor could probably fix. Having a keyboard command to go to the next or prevous major event (e.g. the end of a function or a closing quote) would help a lot. It would have to report the next major piece of text to the screen reader though.

Personally I use very few interactions that are specific to a screen reader. Arrows, page up/down, home/end are basically all I use on the keyboard as well as some editor features depending on what I have available.

I think earcons should be used a lot more than they are being used now. They would make reading code with speech a lot faster. But then it could be argued that providing these earcons should really be the job of the screen reader.

As long as the formatting change is communicated to the screen reader, the reader should be able to present this in a useful way to the user. NVDA currently lacks a bit here, since the only option is to speak formatting changes, where short sounds (also called earcons) would be more helpful. I think this is doable if you use a default content-editable. From what I know, ARIA and related techniques have no attributes to indicate this kind of stuff. For example VSCode uses a textarea element as interface to the screen reader and that lacks formatting info.

Yes, it should be the default if at all possible. Screen reader detection is currently not possible on the web, so if there is a separate mode that has better accessibility, it should be discoverable by the user and it should be easy to turn it on/off. Also, consider making most accessibility related options (such as tab movement) configurable separately from a special screen reader mode, since they might benefit other user groups without screen readers as well.

Most screen readers let you make configuration changes per app, and this is what I primarily use. To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to detect whether a particular element or block of text contains code.

I have the screen reader read code to me by line. If I feel a particular line is long, I go through the line by word. In the context of programming, it would help if I am able to navigate by keyword or token instead of general english words.

I am not aware of any. However, I think we should be mindful of the screen reader making repeat announcements or changing focus. Can I check the hosted instance (point 2 in your email) and get back to you on this?

As the user types code, the screen reader should announce the first best suggestion, followed by 1 of . The user should then be able to navigate between these suggestions using the up and down arrow keys. pressing tab or enter should insert the selected suggestion. The frequency of announcing these suggestions should be kept in mind though. The announcements should happen immediately after the user stops typing and should not interrupt the screen reader speech while the user is typing. Maybe aria-liveregions could come handy to implement this? When the user is calling a function, after entering the (, the screen reader should announce the documentation comment from the function definition corresponding to the parameter that needs to be sent.

I agree with this principle for the most part. However, I also do believe that it is OK to have applications behave differently when screen readers are enabled for a better user experience. That said, maximum care should be taken while introducing these different behaviours. I believe a simple way to think about this is to answer the question if a blind and a sighted developer can work together (pare-program in this case) if you introduce an inconsistent behaviour?

As @Tomerikoo pointed out, reader mode is "Available for library and read-only files". You must make your file read-only. To do that there is a "lock" icon at the bottom-right of your screen.When you click it, you make that file "read-only", then the icon you're looking for appears.

I have been helping a blind friend find a text editor for programming. See the link below for a site that provides good resources including a list of text editors that are said to work well with screen readers:

Note that annotations created in the built-in PDF reader are stored in the Zotero database, so they won't be visible in external PDF readers unless you export a PDF with embedded annotations. See Annotations in Database for more info.

That is what a good beta reader gives an author. A look inside the head of a reader as they progress through the book. Which words did they need to look up? Did they bother or was it clear from the context? Were there things that confused them? Was anything so British it threw them out of the story?

Xodo PDF Reader & Editor is a comprehensive reader and editor for PDF documents, thanks to which you can read, annotate, sign, and share PDFs. You can also fill in any form within the PDF and sync all the changes you make with Google Drive and Dropbox. 006ab0faaa

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