This bullet journal money tracker keeps track of how much money you are saving. You can write how much money you saved on the left side and update the total sum on the right side or you can add the savings on both sides and either add the total sum in a new column or not work out the total sum.

In the savings Excel template, there is a formula that will calculate how much you still need to save to reach your savings goal. Add your target savings goal and each week or month add how much you saved. The spreadsheet will automatically let you know how much you have saved in total and how much you still need to save to reach your goal.

Pdf Free Printable Savings Tracker Free Download


If you are just starting to save, why not try a 30-day no-spend challenge to jump-start your savings plan? Since our charts are editable, use can use any of the templates to make a money-saving challenge chart.

This really depends on your current financial situation. Ideally, your emergency fund should cover six months of living expenses. This sum should include rent, groceries, utilities, and all other basic living expenses. If this is out of your reach, aim for a minimum of $1,000 per person. Ideally, you should keep your emergency fund in an easily accessible bank account with an APY of at least 1 percent. If your emergency fund is tied up in investments it might not be available if suddenly required. Use the savings trackers above to create your emergency fund.

I have an MBA in finance and I love creating templates to help me save and create an emergency fund. I have created many budget templates and trackers for friends and family over the last 20 years and I am thrilled to share them with you here. If there are any more budget templates you would like to see on this site, then please leave a comment below.

When I was saving money to quit my 9-5 job and go back to school, I used a savings tracker visual aid so I could see my progress. In the beginning, it can be hard to get motivated to save up for a big goal, especially when it feels so far away.

With that said, I HIGHLY recommend putting your tracker somewhere you will see it often. Ideas include your fridge, your workspace, your journal or planner, or your bedroom mirror. If you have multiple savings trackers, you can post them on a corkboard. This can be a good way to keep track of your savings goals.

How to use: Download and print this savings tracker printable PDF at home. Each time you hit a savings goal, color in the appropriate circle. Once all circles have been filled in, you will have saved your $1,000 starter emergency fund! YAY!

How to use: Download and print at home. Break down your savings goal into 10 steps and write the amount on each level of the jars, with your goal amount at the top. Color in each level as you hit your goal.

How to use: Download and print this savings tracker PDF at home. Break down your savings goal into 20 steps and write the amount on each level of the house, with your goal amount at the top. Color in each level as you hit your goal.

Whether you want to go on a weekend adventure, a tropical cruise, or relax on a beautiful beach, this savings tracker can help you get there. This can be a fun way to track your progress and help you save money faster. I like having a sinking funds tracker for fun things like vacations.

How to use: Download and print at home. Break down your savings goal into 20 steps and write the amount on each level of the palm tree, with your goal amount at the top. Color in each level as you hit your goal.

How to use: Download and print at home. Break down your savings goal into 20 steps and write the amount on each level of the graduation cap, with your goal amount at the top. Color in each level as you hit your goal.

How to use: Download and print this savings goal tracker PDF at home. Break down your savings goal into 20 steps and write the amount on each level of the wedding cake, with your goal amount at the top. Color in each level as you hit your goal.

This cute clothing savings tracker can help you stay motivated while saving to hit your goal. Perfect for those who want to buy new outfits for work, school, or those who want to invest in quality items.

How to use: Download and print this savings tracker template at home. Break down your savings goal into 20 steps and write the amount on each level of the dress, with your goal amount at the top. Color in each level as you hit your goal.

How to use: Download and print at home. Break down your savings goal into 10 steps and write the amount on each level of the cake, with your goal amount at the top. Color in each level as you hit your goal.

How to use: Download and print at home. Break down your savings goal into 12 steps and write the amount on each level of the Christmas tree, with your goal amount at the top. Color in each level as you hit your goal.

How to use: Download and print at home. Break down your savings goal into 12 steps and write the amount on each level of the unicorn, with your goal amount at the top. Color in each level as you hit your goal.

How to use: Download and print at home. Each time you hit a savings goal, color in the appropriate graphic. Once all the graphics have been filled in, you will have saved your $1,000 starter emergency fund! YAY!

How to use: Download and print at home. Break down your savings goal into 10 steps and write the amount on each level of the pet, with your goal amount at the top. Color in each level as you hit your goal.

How to use: Download and print at home. Break down your savings goal into 10 steps and write the amount on each level of the heart, with your goal amount at the top. Color in each level as you hit your goal.

How to use: Download and print at home. Break down your savings goal into 20 steps and write the amount on each level of the baby outfit, with your goal amount at the top. Color in each level as you hit your goal.

Saving money should not feel like horrible agony. It should be fun and exciting! We are shoring up our financial future and making responsible choices that will benefit us and our families in the long run. And if our savings trackers can play even a small role in helping that happen, we will be absolutely thrilled! You can do it!

A Savings Tracker is a great way to keep track of your progress and visually see where you are with your savings goals. Having a physical representation helps to hold you more accountable and can be a source of motivation. There are many different Savings Trackers that you can find online or in stores, but if you want one that is specifically tailored to your needs, you can easily create your own.

Looking for a convenient and effective way to keep tabs on your debt and savings progress? Look no further than this free printable savings tracker. Designed with your financial goals in mind, this user-friendly tool enables you to monitor your debt and savings with ease. By using this debt payoff tracker, you gain valuable insights into your financial journey, empowering you to make informed decisions and stay motivated. Start tracking your debt today and witness the positive impact it can have on your financial well-being. Download our free printable savings tracker now and take control of your financial future.

One way to make saving money easier is by using a free printable savings tracker. This tool can help you keep track of your progress and see where you are making the most progress (and where you need to work a little harder).

The amounts differ so that you are more intentional about your saving. When you do the exact thing again and again you lose focus on it. By changing it up every week you are going to pay more attention to your savings.

Over time you will fill in all the little piggies and your tracker will look more and more complete. There is something about coloring the piggies, and wanting every piggy to be colored, that motivates people to keep saving!

This one is great for bigger money goals because it has more spots for deposits. So, for this one, you can take your savings goal and divide it by 15 for the number of equal deposits. Write your goal in the little star.

And the last batch of free printable savings trackers I have are focused on house down payments. These are typically for bigger amounts of money, so the method of saving needs to be broken down a bit further.

Another fabulous way to challenge yourself to save money. With this no-spend challenge printable from Savor + Savvy you can really dive deep into your spending. Plus, you can really look at what you have been doing and how to make adjustments.

Meaning, if you choose to do a $1,000 emergency savings fund, then choose one of the preformatted ones. If you choose to do a specific amount to your needs, then you should choose one of the blank ones you can fill in yourself.

Use this printable savings tracker as a visual reminder of a big financial goal you want to reach. Print a copy and color in the jar as you progress closer to your goal. Subscribe to have the free printable PDF sent straight to your inbox. You will also receive weekly emails with organizing tips and more printables.

If you want to keep things super simple, this minimalist savings tracker gets the job done in the most efficient way possible. Plus, you can see your progress for multiple savings goals on one page. (Because really when are you not saving up for multiple big-ticket items at once?)

Work your savings goal into your budget and save for it like you would any other expense on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Then open up whatever savings tracker printable you use to color in that next spot and celebrate being one step closer to your dream purchase.

I love having a visual representation for the goals and ideas in my head, and this is a great way to truly see your savings grow on paper! Whether your goal is to save $400 for a new TV or $40,000 for a down-payment on a new house, this cute sheet will help keep you on track and motivated to reach your goal! 2351a5e196

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