Objectives:  Growing research on the impact of physical touch on health has revealed links to lower blood pressure, higher oxytocin levels, and better sleep, but links to inflammation have not been fully explored. Physical touch may also buffer stress, underscoring its importance during the stressful time of living in the COVID-19 global pandemic-a time that has substantially limited social interactions and during which physical touch has been specifically advised against.

The most ancient observations of surfaces affecting blood clotting probably were made when it was noticed that spilled blood clots faster on wettable surfaces such as glass than on non-wettable ones such as paraffin. More recently, glass tubes coated with silicone and plastic tubes are used to collect the blood in its so-called intact (non-activated) form.

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A simple experiment [1] shows at least two steps are involved in plasma activation. Place intact citrated (to remove calcium which is needed to complete coagulation) plasma into a glass tube and after a few minutes return it to a plastic tube. When calcium is re-added, this sample of plasma will clot in a shorter time than plasma that had never been in contact with glass. So apparently the glass had adsorbed a substance that then became activated and either was released or reacted with another substance in the bulk solution causing further activation. Until about 1963 it was assumed that the first reaction of blood or plasma to contact with a material such as glass was the deposition of this mysterious substance.

(1) It may seem miraculous that my blood has been circulating in my body for more than 94 years without noticeable mishap. However, this physiological miracle has taken millions of years to perform and is therefore not a miracle, but evolution. The blood has evolved allowing us to survive by reacting to infections and to any other small invasions. Removing a drop of my blood from its blood vessel wall environment and placing it on a slide, I will see my intrinsic coagulation system and my platelets waking up to seal a wound that does not exist, and through a microscope I can see granulocytes spreading on the glass surface and crawling for an hour or so trying to eat the slide and in my absence protect me from an invasion of glass. Hoping to get a clearer insight in blood by isolating it is like cutting off a limb to study its essential functions.

(2) If we must really implicate van der Waals forces, we will unavoidably descend into electron behavior and possibly quantum physics, where problems of protein behavior could only be computed but never quite understood. Applying such findings to the total plasma and blood will be impossible. There is a great gap from molecule to me:

Method:  The volunteers with a hemoglobin level less than 12 grams per deciliter (g/dl) were randomly assigned to three groups of TT, mimic therapeutic touch (MT), and control. Blood samples were collected before the first treatment and again a week after the last one and measurements were taken.

Interviewer: Time for another edition of E.R. or Not. See if you can figure this one out. We're with Dr. Troy Madsen, emergency room physician at University of Utah Hospital. Dr. Madsen, E.R. or not... I get someone else's blood on me. Is that a reason to go to the E.R. or do you just wipe it off and go on with your day? E.R. or not?

Dr. Madsen: So the cases where you probably don't need to go to the E.R.: let's say it's a family member and they've been injured at home. You get some blood on you, you know this person. And the reason we're talking about E.R. or not is because we're talking about getting some sort of disease from the blood. And the specific disease we're talking about is, number one, HIV; number two, hepatitis.

Dr. Madsen: So if it's a family member you know them, you know their medical history. It's probably not an issue. But if this is someone who you don't know and you don't know if they could have HIV or hepatitis and you get this blood on you then it depends where did you get the blood?

Dr. Madsen: You know, anything where the skin is not completely intact, if it's blood from a person where you don't know could they potentially have HIV or hepatitis err on the side of caution and then we can kind of evaluate things, talk through things with you and decide what's the best approach here.

Dr. Madsen: Yeah. Well, it's not. For hepatitis, usually there's not a lot of things we can do right then but usually what we'll do is do blood testing right then on you. And the reason we do that is to make sure that for some reason that you don't already have hepatitis or HIV, not from that blood but from something else. And then we have you do follow-up testing.

Now if the concern for HIV is high enough where you had a lot of blood and it could be through a point where there's an entry point there and the person that the blood is from is high risk for HIV-either due to multiple sexual contacts or due to drug use if we know anything about this person-then we start to err on the side of caution. And we can give you medication that you take that will prevent HIV. You take it for a month. It's not a pleasant medication to take. It can cause a lot of nausea, vomiting. But it can potentially prevent HIV.

Accurate collection and recording of time is especially important with blood draws done right at 24 hours in order to avoid collecting blood before 24 hours of age. If you are collecting before 24 hours of age, please reference our Newborn Screening

The primary goal of these standards is to ensure the quality of blood spots collected from newborns. Poor quality specimens interfere with the screening process, potentially delaying the detection and treatment of an affected infant. If our staff receive a specimen of poor quality, we will request a repeat specimen from the birth provider.

The following video was produced by PerkinElmer Genetics with input from the Minnesota Newborn Screening Program. This less than 5 minute video covers how to properly collect blood spot specimens for newborn screening.

The following video answers many frequently asked questions about blood spot collection, including the optimal timing of collection, drying of blood spots, and methods of collection. The video was produced in partnership by the Iowa State Hygienic Laboratory and Baby's First Test

It means a blocked artery, and it typically happens in a previously open blood vessel that shows signs of plaque (atherosclerosis) or other damage, or that doctors previously repaired with a stent or graft.

When the pressure builds up inside one of these compartments, it can cause swelling and tenderness that mirror symptoms of DVT. Unlike DVT, acute compartment syndrome typically happens soon after a sudden injury like a fracture. Other possible causes include a serious burn that scars skin or surgery to repair a blocked blood vessel. You may also notice:

Try to use latex gloves when treating someone who is bleeding. Latex gloves should be in every first aid kit. People allergic to latex can use nonlatex gloves. You can catch infections, such as viral hepatitis or HIV/AIDS, if you touch infected blood and it gets into an open wound, even a small one.

Blood loss can cause blood to collect under the skin, turning it black and blue (bruised). Apply a cool compress to the area as soon as possible to reduce swelling. Do not place ice directly on the skin. Wrap the ice in a towel first.

DNA methods have become extremely sensitive. Forensic scientists once needed a relatively large amount of material, such as a visible blood or semen stain, to produce a DNA profile. Today, they can generate a profile from just a few skin cells that someone left behind when touching an object or surface.

Additionally, a specific area of skin may feel hot to the touch due to an increase in blood flow near the surface. This happens when the body is trying to address something like an infection, irritant, or insect sting. In this case, hot skin may also be accompanied by redness or swelling.

There are several reasons why your skin could feel hot to the touch. Many of them are related to health conditions, while others can be associated with the environment. The common causes of hot skin include:

There are many potential reasons that your skin may feel hot to the touch. These can include an elevated body temperature or an increase in blood flow near the surface of the skin. Common causes of these things can be fever, skin reactions, or environmental conditions.

The health information on this Web site is for general background purposes and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific conditions. Seek prompt medical attention for healthcare questions you have. Consult your physician before making changes to your medication, diet, fitness program or blood glucose testing schedules.

When bacteria get into a cut, the body's immune system sends white blood cells to fight the infection. It's these white blood cells that can collect and make pus. If pus collects and can't drain out, the area forms a painful abscess.

Skin abscesses usually are red, swollen, and warm to the touch, and might leak fluid. An abscess that forms in the surface of the skin might look like an unhealed wound or a pimple. An abscess that forms underneath the skin may create a swollen bump. The area can be painful and tender.

Abscesses get better after they open and the pus drains out. Applying a warm compress can help that happen. To make a compress, wet a washcloth with warm (not hot) water and place it over the abscess for several minutes. Do this a few times a day. Always wash your hands well before and after touching the abscess.

Biological hazards include bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Nail salon workers can be exposed to bloodborne pathogens, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), if they come into contact with infected blood from a co-worker or client. Workers can also be exposed to fungal infections of the nails and feet by touching infected client skin or by using equipment that has not been cleaned. 2351a5e196

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