PDE's: Italia vs España
Two seminars will be given every two weeks, one by an Italian and one by a Spanish speaker, at 15 - 15:45 and 16 - 16:45 hours (Rome/Madrid time).
Instructions: we will use Zoom to run the seminars.
To join, click on the link we will provide before the talks. You can do it 15 minutes in advance.
You will need a Zoom account and password. These can be obtained at www.zoom.us.
Mailing list: if you want to subscribe send an email to lbattaglia(at)mat(dot)uniroma3(dot)it. You will receive an announcement and the Zoom link the day before the talks.
Luca Battaglia (Università di Roma Tre).
María Medina (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).
Angela Pistoia (Università La Sapienza di Roma).
Join Zoom Meeting: https://uniroma1.zoom.us/j/87961090612?pwd=clZHOUhNbFAvVDE2eWRuM3MxZE02dz09
Meeting ID: 879 6109 0612
Passcode: 139724