February 26th

14:00 ~ 15:00

Registration & Welcome

15:30 ~ 17:30

Discussion session 1,  Theme:  Liouville type Theorems for the incompressible fluid Equations

(Chair: Jihoon Lee)

February 27th

9:30 ~ 10:00

Hisashi Okamoto  (Gakushuin University)

Curiously simple flows of incompressible fluid at very large Reynolds numbers

10:10 ~ 10:30

Kyungkeun Kang  (Yonsei University)

Local regularity of the Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations near boundary in the half space

10:40 ~ 11:00

Hyeong-Ohk Bae  (Ajou University)

Existence to Incompressible Nonstandard Growth Power-Law Fluids

11:10 ~ 11:30

Namkwon Kim  (Chosun University)


11:40 ~ 12:00

Hyungjin Huh   (Chung-Ang University)

Remarks on the infinity wave equations


14:00 ~ 14:30

Hideo Kozono  (Waseda and Tohoku University)

Generalized quasi-geostrophic equation in the critical Lorentz-Besov space based on the maximal regularity theorem

14:40 ~ 15:00

In-Jee Jeong  (Seoul National University)

Logarithmic vortex for incompressible flows

15:10 ~ 15:30

Hantaek Bae  (UNIST)

On the MHD models of L\"ust and Moffatt

15:40 ~ 16:00

Hyunseok Kim  (Sogang University)

Existence and uniqueness results for  a Stokes-Magneto system with fractional diffusions

16:20 ~ 16:40

Jihoon Lee   (Chung-Ang University)

A brief review of the Liouville type Theorems and regularity(singularity) of the incompressible fluids

16:50 ~ 17:10

Yong-Kum Cho   (Chung-Ang University)

Zeros of Hankel Transforms

17:10 ~ 17:30

Champagne toasting 

Dinner  18:00 ~ 20:00

February 28th

10:00 ~ 10:30

Zhouping Xin  (The Chinese University of HongKong)

On the Existence of Multi-dimensional COmpressible MHD Contact Discontinuities  

10:40 ~ 11:00

Jongmin Han  (Kyunghee University)

On the self-dual system arising from the Einstein-Maxwell-Higgs model

11:10 ~ 11:30

Kwangseok Choe  (Inha University)

On radial solutions of an elliptic system of Toda type

11:40 ~ 12:00

Kyudong Choi  (UNIST)

On vortex stretching for anti-parallel axisymmetric flows

12:10 ~ 12:30

Seungyeal Ha  (Seoul National University)

Weak coupling of Lohe tensor models


14:00 ~ 17:30

Discussion session 2:  Gauge theories and elliptic PDEs

 (Chair : Namkwon Kim(Chosun University))

Dinner  18:00 ~ 20:00

March 1st

10:00 ~ 13:00

Discussion session 3Vortex Dynamics & Nonuniqueness

 (Chair : Jihoon Lee(Chung-Ang University))

14:30 ~ 17:00

Discussion session 4Singularity Aspects of Nonlinear PDEs 

(Chair : TBA )