Professional Development Seminar
Department of Mathematics, Dartmouth College


April 2, 2024: Alena Erchenko  "Different career paths. What do we need to keep in mind?"
Affiliation: Dartmouth College
Time: 1-2pm
Location: Common Room, 300 Kemeny

April 16, 2024: Artem Kotelskiy  "Mathematician's superpower: derivative of knowledge"
Affiliation: cyber•Fund
Time: 1-2pm
Location: 343 Kemeny and Zoom
Abstract: Specializing in mathematics, especially the pure type, sometimes makes it hard to transition to industry, since virtually no technical knowledge translates over. However, even if the "absolute" value of knowledge doesn't translate, the proficiency in "relative" aspects of knowledge does: ability to dive deep and learn something insanely hard in a short amount of time, ability to bridge separate domains, ability to explain complex things in simple terms, etc. These skills are rare and are paid well, and mathematicians uniquely excel at them.

In practice, to leverage this the person needs to:

(1) believe in themselves;

(2) find good entry points into different areas, and start learning & working.

For (1), I will tell you my story and how I ended up in the venture tech world.

For (2), I will lay out several practical paths for transitioning to different areas: crypto, trading, machine learning. 

In the end I hope to convince you that you can transition to any industry you want.

April 25, 2024: Anne Gelb  "A discussion about the funding landscape for mathematicians"
Affiliation: Dartmouth College
Time: 10:30-11:30am
Location: 120 Kemeny
Abstract: The purpose of this seminar is to have a discussion about the various federal funding opportunities for mathematicians. Some basic information regarding various agencies will be provided, in terms of what the range of opportunities are. We will discuss some strategies for applying to different types of agencies, and provide factual information to help guide them, along the way addressing some long term misunderstandings regarding how funding is obtained. As this session will be discussion based, please bring your questions.

May 7, 2024: Postdoc Panel - Olivia J. Chu,  Rebecca Hardenbrook, Mohammad Javad Latifi Jebelli, Tristan M. Phillips, and Longmei Shu
Time: 1-2pm
Location: 343 Kemeny

May 13, 2024: Jean Steiner "A career in math and data"
Affiliation: Google
Time: 10-11am
Location: 343 Kemeny and Zoom
Abstract: I will give a short overview of how my career has evolved from pure mathematician to data scientist and I will share some of my favorite pieces of career advice. Then I will give a few flavors of some of the projects data scientists at Google might work on. I will aim to leave lots of time for questions! 

Links shared by Jean Steiner can be found here.

May 21, 2024: John Voight "Giving seminar talks"
Affiliation: Dartmouth College
Time: 1-2pm
Location: 343 Kemeny
Abstract: We will give some tips and tricks for giving good seminar talks, with a focus on storytelling.