HP CodeWars 2007 參考解答

************ 1. Powers of Two ************

//1. Powers of Two (HP CodeWars 2007) by Snail

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main () {

    int n, i;

    cin >> n;

    for (i=0; i<=n; i++)

        cout << "2^" << i << " = " << (1 << i) << endl;


************ 2. Vertical Printing ************

//2. Vertical Printing (HP CodeWars 2007) by Snail

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main () {

    string s[17];

    int n=0, i, j, mxl=0;

    while (getline(cin,s[n]), s[n]!="END")

        mxl = max ((int)s[n++].size(), mxl);    //mxl--字串最大長度

    for (i=0; i<n; i++)

        s[i] += string (mxl-s[i].size(), ' ');  //補空白

    for (j=0; j<mxl; j++) {

        for (i=0; i<n; i++)

            cout << s[i][j] << "  ";

        cout << endl;



************ 3. Combination ************

//3. Combination (HP CodeWars 2007) by Snail

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main () {

    int n, m, c, i;                             //c(ombination)--組合

    while (cin >> n >> m) {

        m = min (m, n-m);                       //c(n,m) == c(n,n-m)

        c = 1;

        for (i=1; i<=m; i++)

            c = c * (n-i+1) / i;

        cout << c << endl;



************ 4. Password Analyzer ************

//4. Password Analyzer (HP CodeWars 2007) by Snail

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main () {

    string s, strength[] = {"WEAK", "ACCEPTABLE", "GOOD", "STRONG"};

    while (cin >> s) {

        int uc=0, lc=0, ds=0, i;

        for (i=0; i!=s.size(); i++) {

            uc = uc || isupper(s[i]);           //u(pper) c(ase)--大寫

            lc = lc || islower(s[i]);           //l(ower) c(ase)--小寫

            ds = ds || isdigit(s[i])            //d(igit) or s(ymbol)

                    || ispunct(s[i]);           //--數字或符號


        i = (s.size()>=8) + (uc && lc) + ((uc || lc) && ds);

        cout << "This password is " << strength[i] << endl;



************ 5. Overhanging Cards ************

//5. Overhanging Cards (HP CodeWars 2007) by Snail

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main () {

    float c, s, n;  //有處理浮點數誤差的話,float 也能 AC

    while (cin >> c) {

        s = 0;

        for (n=2; s+1e-6<c; n++)                //1e-6 : 浮點數誤差

            s += 1 / n;

        cout << n-2 << " card(s)\n";



************ 6. Prime Directive ************

//6. Prime Directive (HP CodeWars 2007 (by Snail)

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main () {

    int n, i, k=2, np=0, p[1010]={};

    while (k < 1000) {

        while (p[k])                            //找下一個質數 k


        p[np++] = k;                            //記錄質數

        for (i=k; i<=1009; i+=k)                //篩掉 k 的倍數

            p[i] = 1;


    while (cin >> n) {

        for (i=0; p[i] <= n; i++) {             //列出 <= n 的質數

            if (i && i%5 == 0)                  //已輸出 5 個質數

                cout << endl;                   //  換行

            cout << setw(10) << p[i];


        cout << endl;



************ 7. RAID Sizer ************

//7. RAID Sizer (HP CodeWars 2007) by Snail

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main () {

    int r, i, c, q, t, ac, mini, mint, minq, minc;

    int dc[4] = {250,400,500,750}, dp[4] = {75,110,140,250};

    while (cin >> c >> r) {                     //c(apacity)--容量

        mint = 2001;

        for (i=0; i<4; i++) {

            q = (c-1) / dc[i] + 1;              //硬碟數量無條件進位

            ac = dc[i] * q;                     //陣列實際容量

            if (r == 1)

                q *= 2;                         //RAID 1 需要 2 倍硬碟

            else if (r)

                q += 1;                         //RAID 5 需要多 1 顆硬碟

            if (q <= 8) {                       //最多 8 顆硬碟

                t = q * dp[i];                  //總金額

                if (t < mint)

                    mint = t, minq = q, mini = i, minc = ac;



        cout << "Qty: " << minq << " Disk: " << dc[mini] << "GB Price: $" << dp[mini] << endl;

        cout << "Total price of this " << minc << "GB array: $" << mint << endl;



************ 8. Number Spiral ************

//8. Number Spiral (HP CodeWars 2007) by Snail

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main () {

    int n, m[19][19], sn=0, x, y, k;

    x = 8, y = 9;

    for (k=0; k<=9; k++) {

        x++, y++;                               //向右移出

        while (y > 9-k)                         //向上

            m[--y][x] = sn++;

        while (x > 9-k)                         //向左

            m[y][--x] = sn++;

        while (y < 9+k)                         //向下

            m[++y][x] = sn++;

        while (x < 9+k)                         //向右

            m[y][++x] = sn++;


    while (cin >> n) {

        n /= 2;

        for (y=9-n; y<=9+n; y++){               //輸出陣列

            for (x=9-n; x<=9+n; x++)

                cout << setw(4) << m[y][x];

            cout << endl;


        cout << endl;



************ 9. Musical Intervals ************

//9. Musical Intervals (HP CodeWars 2007) by Snail

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main () {                                   //n(ote) n(name)--音名

    string nn[12] = {"C","C#","D","D#","E","F","F#","G","G#","A","A#","B"};

    int n, i, k, sc[7] = {0,2,4,5,7,9,11};      //sc(ale)--大調音階

    char ch;

    while (cin >> ch) {

        k = sc[(ch-'A'+5)%7];                   //k(ey)--調名

        if (cin.peek() == '#')                  //升半音

            k++, cin.ignore();

        cout << nn[k];                          //輸出起始主音

        n = 0;

        while (cin.peek() != '\n') {

            cin >> i;                           //輸入音程

            i += (i<0) - (i>0);                 //扣掉起始音本身

            n = (n + i + 49) % 7;               //計算下一個音符

            cout << ' ' << nn[(k+sc[n])%12];    //輸出音名


        cout << endl;



************ 10. New Math ************

//10. New Math (HP CodeWars 2007) by Snail

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int main () {

    long long s, t;

    int a, b;

    string n, d = "0123456789abcdefghij";

    char ch;

    while (cin >> ws, !cin.eof()) {

        getline (cin, n, '^');

        cin >> b;                               //b(ase)--底

        t = strtol (n.c_str(), NULL, b);        //將字串 n 轉成 int

        s = 0, ch = ' ';

        while (ch != '=') {                     //處理 = 後跳出

            cin >> ch;                          //運算子

            getline (cin, n, '^');              //運算元

            cin >> b;                           //底

            a = strtol (n.c_str(), NULL, b);   

            if (ch == '*')

                t *= a;                         //t(erm)--乘積

            else {

                s += t, t = a;                  //s(um)--和

                if (ch == '-')

                    t = -t;



        if (s < 0)

            cout << '-', s = -s;                //去掉負號

        while (s) {                             //轉成 b 進位

            n = d[s%b] + n;

            s /= b;


        cout << n << '^' << b << endl;



************ 11. LED Decoder ************

//11. LED Decoder (HP CodeWars 2007) by Snail

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main () {


    string c[27] = {"1234567","123457","123459","123567","135790","12347","12357","12456","12467","12569","13457","13459",


    int i, p;

    while (getline(cin,s)) {

        for (i=0; i<27; i++) {

            p = -1;

            while ((p=s.find(c[i],p+1)) != -1)  //把 s 中所有的 c[i]

                s.replace(p,c[i].size(),1,a[i]);//換成 a[i];


        cout << s << endl;



************ 12. Domino Rally ************

//12. Domino Rally (HP CodeWars 2007) by Snail

#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int main () {

    int n, i, f;

    int d[29][2] = {{},{0,0},{0,1},{0,2},{0,3},{0,4},{0,5},{0,6},{1,1},{1,2},



    char o;                                     //o(rietation)--方向

    while (cin >> n >> o) {

        vector <int> r;                         //r(ally)

        do {

            if (o == 'B') n = -n;               //若反向則加負號

            r.push_back(n);                     //將點數加入陣列 r

        } while (cin >> n >> o, n);             //輸入下一張骨牌

        do {

            f = false;                          //f(ound)--找到相同點數

            for (i=0; i+1<(int)r.size(); i++)

                if (d[abs(r[ i ])][r[ i ]>0] == //這張骨牌右側點數

                    d[abs(r[i+1])][r[i+1]<0]) { //與下一張左側點數相同

                    r.erase (r.begin()+i, r.begin()+i+2);

                    f = true;                   //移除兩張骨牌



        } while (f);                            //若有相同點數重頭開始

        if (r.size()) {

            for (i=0; i!=r.size(); i++)

                cout << abs(r[i]) << ' ';       //輸出 n

            cout << endl;

        } else

            cout << "DATASET CLEARED\n";



************ 13. Not Quite OCR ************

//13. Not Quite OCR (HP CodeWars 2007) by Snail

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main () {

    string dm[10] = {" _ | ||_|","     |  |"," _  _||_ "," _  _| _|","   |_|  |",

                     " _ |_  _|"," _ |_ |_|"," _   |  |"," _ |_||_|"," _ |_| _|"};

    char ch;

    int n, i, j, cs, g, d[10];

    cin >> n;

    while (n--) {

        string m[10];                           //m[i]--第i位掃瞄影像

        for (i=0; i<3; i++) {

            cin.ignore(99,'\n');                //跳過換行

            for (j=0; j<27; j++) {

                cin.get(ch);                    //輸入影像

                m[9-j/3] += ch;                 //接到適當的位數



        cs = g = 0;

        for (i=1; i<=9; i++) {

            for (j=0; j<=9 && m[i]!=dm[j]; j++);//比對數字影像

            if (j > 9)                          //若比對失敗

                g = i;                          //g(arble)--模糊


                d[i] = j, cs += i * j;          //計算檢查碼


        if (g)

            for (d[g]=0; d[g]<=9; d[g]++)       //還原模糊的數字

                if ((cs + d[g]*g) % 11 == 0)


        if (g && d[g]>9 || !g && cs%11!=0)      //無法還原或檢查碼錯誤

            cout << "failure\n";

        else {

            for (i=9; i; i--)

                cout << d[i];

            cout << endl;




************ 14. Knights Path ************

//14. Knights Path (HP CodeWars 2007) by Snail

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <vector>

#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

vector <string> nxt[8][8];                      //下一步的位置

void trace (int x, int y, string s) {

    if (nxt[x][y].size()) {                     //若有下一步

        sort (nxt[x][y].begin(), nxt[x][y].end());//依字典順序排序

        for (int i=0; i!=nxt[x][y].size(); i++) {

            string p = nxt[x][y][i];

            trace (p[0]-'a',p[1]-'1',s+" "+p);  //遞迴到下一步


    } else                                      //到達終點時

        cout << "Solution: " << s << endl;      //輸出解答


int main () {

    int qf, qb, x, y, x1, y1, i, j, bd[8][8];   //bd (board)--棋盤

    int dx[8] = {-2,-2,-1,-1, 1, 1, 2, 2};      //d(elta) x--X 座標差

    int dy[8] = {-1, 1,-2, 2,-2, 2,-1, 1};      //d(elta) y--Y 座標差

    string s, e, b, p, q[64];

    while (cin >> s >> e) {     //s(tart)--起點, e(nd)--終點

        for (i=0; i<8; i++)

            for (j=0; j<8; j++)                 //9999--未到過

                bd[i][j] = 9999, nxt[i][j].clear();

        while (cin >> b, b != "xx")             //b(locker)--路障

            bd[b[0]-'a'][b[1]-'1'] = -1;        //記錄路障

        bd[e[0]-'a'][e[1]-'1'] = 0;             //從終點往回找

        qf = qb = 0;        //q(ueue) f(ront)--頭, b(ack)--尾

        q[qb++] = e;                            //將終點推入佇列

        while (q[qf] != s) {                    //尚末找到起點時

            p = q[qf++];                        //從佇列取出一點

            x = p[0]-'a', y = p[1]-'1';

            for (i=0; i<8; i++) {               //能走的 8 個方向

                x1 = x + dx[i];

                y1 = y + dy[i];

                if (x1<0 || x1>7 || y1<0 || y1>7//超出範圍

                    || bd[x1][y1] < bd[x][y] + 1)//或已有更小步數

                    continue;                   //跳過

                if (bd[x1][y1] == 9999) {       //若未拜訪過

                    bd[x1][y1] = bd[x][y] + 1;  //步數 +1

                    q[qb  ]  = char(x1+'a');    //推入佇列

                    q[qb++] += char(y1+'1');


                nxt[x1][y1].push_back(p);       //記錄下一步位置



        cout << "The shortest solution is " << bd[s[0]-'a'][s[1]-'1'] << " move(s).\n";

        trace (s[0]-'a',s[1]-'1',s);            //從起點往下遞迴

