
Carla Perez-Almendros

Carla is a PhD student in NLP at Cardiff University. Her research is focused on ideological bias detection, with a special attention to condescending language.

Prior to this position she worked in several NGOs, where she produced and analyzed communication pieces about vulnerable communities. She is a holder of two MAs in social responsibility and corporate communication.

Luis Espinosa-Anke

Luis is a Fulbright fellow and lecturer at Cardiff University. His research interests revolve around word and sentence-level semantics, multilingual NLP, multiword expressions and representation learning.

He has co-organized shared tasks at ESWC (2017), two SemEval tasks in 2018: multilingual emoji prediction and hypernym discovery, as well as tasks in the annual Spanish evaluation series in 2020 and 2021.

Steven Schockaert

Steven is a professor at Cardiff University. His research interests include commonsense reasoning, interpretable machine learning and representation learning. He was a recipient of the ECCAI Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award and the IBM Belgium Prize for Computer Science.

He is an Associate Editor of Artificial Intelligence Journal, an area editor for Fuzzy Sets and Systems, and a member of the Board of Directors of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI).