How to Use and Navigate Tabroom

This video will walk you through how judges can use the various features on Tabroom while at a tournament.

Introduction Online Tournaments

This video explores what to expect during an online tournament.

Ballot Do's and Don'ts

This video explores the do's and don'ts to think about when writing a ballot.

Additional Judge Training Resources

I am not sure who made this google site but it is an AMAZING resource and has a lot of great information to use, whether you are new to judging or want a refresher:

NFHS has a free online judge training class that you can take at your own pace:

Intro to PF

This video gives a brief introduction of Public Forum debate.

Intro to LD

This video gives a brief introduction to Lincoln Douglas Debate.

Intro to CX

These video gives a brief introduction to Policy (or Cross Examination) Debate.

Intro to Congress and Extemp

These videos give a brief introduction to Student Congress and Extemporaneous Speaking.

Intro to Rhetoric

This video gives an introduction to the different types of rhetoric or "platform speaking" events.

Intro to Interp

This video gives an introduction to the different interpretation events.

Making the Jump to Varsity in Speech and Congress

These videos gives some tips to think about when making the jump between JV and Varsity in Speech and Student Congress.

Making the Jump to Varsity in Debate

This video gives several tips about how to become a successful varsity debater.

Event FAQ Transcription

Below you can find a copy of the 2019 Beginning of the Year Workshop FAQ.

2019 Workshop Panel FAQ

Helpful Youtube Channels

There are a number of places where you can watch high tier rounds for free. This is a great way to familiarize yourself with all of the events and to see different styles.

The University of Kentucky published many of the TOC out round performances here. There are also some helpful videos on flowing, various types of debate arguments and other aspects of online competing:

Demo PF Round

This PF round is from NSDA Finals in 2018.

Demo LD Round

This NSDA final round from 2019 is a gives a great example of an LD debate.

Demo CX Round

This video is a demo from the NSDA Policy Finals in 2020. There are separate videos for each speech that can be found here:

Demo OO Speech

This NSDA finalist from 2018 is an excellent example of an original oratory.

Demo Declamation

This video gives an example of a Declamation speech.

Demo DI

This video shows an example of a DI performance. Dramatic Interpretations are cut from a manuscript and typically have fewer characters with a bigger emphasis on character growth.

Demo HI

This video shows an example of an HI performance. Humorous interpretations are cut from a manuscript and typically have a wide array of characters.

Demo Duo Performance

The NSDA finalists in the video below give an example of a duo performance. Blocking can be incredibly tricky in duo because, while the performers should stay in sync with each other throughout the performance, they are not allowed to look at or touch each other while performing.

Demo Prose Performance

The IHSA video below gives an example of a prose piece. Prose is a binder event where competitors cut and perform a selection from a novel or short story.

Demo Poetry Performance

The IHSA demo below is an example of a poetry program. Poetry is a binder event and is generally made up of several interspliced poems that the performer uses to make a point about an overarching theme or topic.