News and Events
30/12/2024- Debojyoti presented his Ph.D open seminar
21/11/2024-06/12/2024- Neils Van de Haar visited PCDB lab at IISER Bhopal, for DAAD exchange programme
01/10/2024 -20/11/2024- Venkey visited Ute Höcker lab, UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE, Germany for DAAD exchange programme
22/07/2024- Shikha gave her comprehensive examination
09/07/2024-12/07/2024- Debojyoti participated in " EMBO-Plant Tropisms" international conference held at Okazaki, Japan and Received SERB- ITS travel grant & travel grant from NIBB, Japan
13/05/2024- Dr. Sourav Datta has been recieved Tata Innovation Fellowoship for the year 2023-2024 from the Department of Biotechnology
26/04/2024- Rahul successfully defended his Ph.D. Viva Voce
16/01/2024- Arpan received the best oral presentation award and Rahul received the best poster presentation award at the EMBO-ISPP Satellite meeting, IISER Bhopal
15/01/2024-16/01/2024- IISER Bhopal organized the EMBO-ISPP satellite meeting
12/01/2024- Rahul, Shubhi, and Venkateswara received the best poster presentation award at the EMBO-ISPP conference at NISER Bhubaneshwar
10/01/2024- Dr. Sourav Datta elected as a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru (FASc), India
09/01/2024-12/01/2024- IISER Bhopal and NISER Bhubaneshwar jointly organized the EMBO International Symposium on Plant Photobiology (ISPP) conference at NISER Bhubaneshwar (View here)
22/12/2023- Kavuri Venkateswara Rao gave his graduate seminar I examination
15/12/23- A collaborative work with Dr. Nagarjun Vijay on the genomic and transcriptomic analyses of night flowering Jasmine Parijat is published in Physiologia Plantarum ( View here)
27/10/2023- Dr. Sourav Datta elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences (FNASc), India
20/07/2023- Dr. Shyam Kumar Masakapalli visited IISER Bhopal and PCDB lab
05/06/2023-09/06/2023- Rahul attended the 33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2023) held in Chiba, Japan. He also received the best oral presentation award.
31/05/2023-02/06/2023- Dr. Sourav Datta attended and delivered a talk at the Microproteins 2023 conference held at University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
09/05/2023- Deeksha successfully defended her Ph.D. Viva Voce
01/05/2023- Rahul presented his Ph.D. open seminar
13/04/2023- Rahul received DBT-CTEP Travel grant to attend the 33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2023) to be held in June 5-9, 2023 in Chiba, Japan
24/03/23- A review on photoprotective role of plant secondary metabolites to enhance tolerance to high light is published in Environmental and Experimental Botany ( View here)
12/03/2023- A review on light and ABA signaling pathways to combat drought stress in plants is published in Plant Cell Reports ( View here)
09/03/2023- Dr. Kalyan Mahapatra joins PCDB as an Institute Post-doctoral fellow
08/03/2023- Deeksha's work on two microproteins regulating ABA mediated seedling developmental arrest is published in New phytologist (View here)
23/02/2023-25/02/2023- Deb attended International Conference on ' Current Trends and Future Prospects of Plant Biology (CTFPPB-2023)' at the University of Hyderabad, India. He presented a poster on integrating light signaling with aluminium sensitivity, and got the Best Poster award (second) under the poster presentation category 'Developmental Biology'.
21/12/2023- Venkey gave his comprehensive examination and Deb gave his graduate seminar II examination
16/12/2022-Ajar gave his graduate seminar I examination
03/11/2022-05/11/2022- Prof. Liam Dolan visited IISER Bhopal and PCDB lab.
03/11/2022- A book chapter on The MATE Family in Plants and Their Significance in Metal Transport has been published in Kumar, K., Srivastava, S. (eds) Plant Metal and Metalloid Transporters. Springer (View here)
03/10/2022- A review on Plant microProteins is published in iScience (View here)
07/09/2022- 13/09/2022- Arpan attended the DST-STUTI workshop on "Advanced Biological Imaging and Elemental Analysis" at Delhi University, South Campus
28/07/2022- Nikhil successfully defended his Ph.D. Viva Voce
08/07/2022-13/07/222- Deeksha attended Plant Biology 2022 conference in Portland and gave a talk on " Functional analysis of two BBX proteins in modulating ABA mediated post-germination seedling development"
03/07/2022- Dr. Nevedha has been awarded the Best thesis award in the 9th convocation of IISER Bhopal
22/06/2022- First preprint in bioRxiv on the role of microproteins in regulating post-germination seedling establishment (See here)
20/06/2022- 24/06/2022- Deeksha attended 32nd ICAR conference in Belfast and gave a talk on " Two light responsive BBX proteins regulate ABA mediated early seedling development"
13/06/2022- Deeksha presented her Ph.D. open seminar
26/05/2022- Nikhil's work on BBX11 role to UV response is highlighted in the Plant Physiology's News and Views ( View Here)
23/05/2022- Manohar M and Tisha Dash joins PCDB for summer internship programme ( SRFP 2022 IISER Bhopal)
20/05/2022- Nikhli's first author profile for the Plant Physiology (View Here)
01/05/2022- Ajar received the best poster award in Frontier Symposium in Biology 2022 at IISER TVM
01/05/2022- Dr. Sourav Datta delivered a talk in Frontier Symposium in Biology 2022 conference at IISER TVM
29/04/2022- 01/05/2022- Arpan, Ajar, Shubhi and Venkateshwara participated in Frontier Symposium in Biology 2022 at IISER TVM
25/03/2022 - Nikhil's work on 'The role of BBX11 to UV response' accepted in Plant Physiology and published online 02/05/2022
07/02/2022- Nevedha successfully defended her Ph.D. Viva Voce
06/12/2021 - Dr. Sourav Datta has been selected for the prestigious SERB-STAR Award
07/11/2021 - Congratulations to all authors (Debojyoti Kar, Lavanya Bhagavatula, Arka Dutta & Sourav Datta) on the Short Communication published in Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology (View Here)
06/11/2021 - Congratulations to all authors (Kavuri Venkateswara, Nevedha Ravindran, Lavanya Bhagavatula & Sourav Datta) on the Commentary published in Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology (View Here)
29/10/2021 - Congratulations Dr. Yadukrishnan (PhD Alumni) for the National Academy of Sciences India - Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award 2021 (View Here)
12/10/2021 - PCDB Lab's first book chapter (Hormones and Light-Regulated Seedling Development) published online! (View Here)
04/09/2021 - Nevedha's work on cotyledon opening highlighted in the Plant Physiology's News and Views (View Here)
03/08/2021 - Nevedha's first author profile for the Plant Physiology (View Here)
14/07/2021 - Nevedha's work got covered by Bartaman Patrika dated 14/07/2021.
12/07/2021 - Nevedha's work got covered by the media, The Hindu, Mumbai Edition 12/07/2021 (View Here).
02/07/2021 - Nevedha's work on BBX32 and cotyledon opening published in Plant Physiology.
25/05/2021 - Congratulations Ajar Pradhan for bagging Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF).
26/03/2021 - Congratulations to Nikhil Job for getting awarded first at the "M.P. Young Scientist Congress" in the Plant Sciences category. (View Here)
25/03/2021 - PCDB lab's work got highlighted in various print media (View Here)
24/02/2021 - Dr. Sourav has been selected for the S. Ramachandran-National Bioscience Award for Career development 2020-21. (View Here)
26/12/2020 - Nikhil's work got covered in The Hindu, Mumbai Edition dated 26/12/2020 (View Here)
11/12/2020 - PCDB Lab is on Twitter! Follow us here @pcdb_lab_iiserb
09/12/2020 - Nikhil's work on BBX11 regarding regulation of chlorophyll biosynthesis and photomorphogenesis got accepted in New Phytologist.
07/12/2020 - PCDB Lab is back on Instagram! Follow us here @pcdb_lab_iiserb
11/11/2020 - Dr. Yadukrishnan got selected for prestigious Raman Post-Doc Program, IISc Bangalore, Congratulations!
09/10/20 - Our study on 'ABA and post-germination seedling development' got featured in IndiaBioscience (View here)
09/09/20 - A review on "The role of solute transporters in Aluminium toxicity and tolerance" is accepted in Physiologia Plantarum and now online (19/09/2020)
05/09/20 - Tansley insights on "Light and abscisic acid interplay in early seedling development" accepted in New Phytologist and now online (28/09/2020)
05/09/20 - The first cover from our lab. Yadav A, Singh D, Lingwan M, Yadukrishnan P, Masakapalli SK, Datta S (2020) Light signaling and UV-B mediated plant growth regulation. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (View here)
02/09/20 - Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors, Premachandran Yadukrishnan (View here)
26/08/20 - A review on "Role of Arabidopsis BBX proteins in light signaling" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology and now online (29/09/2020)
13/08/20 - Yadu's study on 'ABA and post-germination seedling development' got featured in The Hindu. (View Here)
12/08/20 - Published a study on "HY5 suppresses, rather than promotes, ABA-mediated inhibition of post-germination seedling development" in Plant Physiology (View here)
17/07/20 - A research highlight focused on Yadu's work was published in the plant journal (View here)
05/06/20 -The Plant Journal article selected among the highlights in ASPB (Plantae) Plant Science Research Weekly (View here)
27/05/20 - Yadu successfully defended his Ph.D. Viva Voce.
21/05/20 - Published a study on how COP1 integrates light and ABA signaling pathways during early seedling development in The Plant Journal (View here)
01/02/20 - Best Poster Award to Rahul at National Conference on Frontiers in Plant Biology (NCFIPB) 2020, School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad
31/12/2019 - Best Poster Award to Debojyoti at 4th National Arabidopsis Meeting, NISER Bhubaneshwar
23/12/19 - Neha successfully defended her Ph.D. Viva Voce.
01/11/19 - First research publication on MATEs from the lab, in Plant Cell and Environment (View here)
01/11/19 - Published ‘Visible light-controlled NO generation for photoreceptor-mediated plant root growth regulation’ in the journal Nitric Oxide (View Here)
22/10/19 - Neha submitted her Ph.D. thesis. Yadu’s Open Seminar to be held on 30/10/19.
30/8/19 - Arpita became Dr. Arpita Yadav after defending her Ph.D. Viva-Voce.
18/5/19 - Review on MATE transporters published in Journal of Experimental Botany (View here)
04/03/19- Nikhil selected as JSPS-HOPE fellow to attend 11th JSPS-HOPE meeting with with Nobel Laureates, Okinawa, Japan, sponsored by DST India and JSPS
14/02/19 - Arpita's work of BBX31 on UV got featured in Dainik Bhaskar (View here) and Hindustan Times (View here)
06/02/19 - Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors, Arpita Yadav (View here)
2019 - Best poster award to Neha in EMBO Meeting on Sensing and Signaling in Plants
2019 - Arpita selected for Mini-Symposium for Early Career Plant Scientist at Linnean Center for Plant Biology on 3rd March 2020 at Uppsala, Sweden (Fully-funded)
2019 - Arpita grabbed Keystone Symposia Future of Science Fund Scholarship for attending the symposia “Climate Change Linked Stress Response in Plants” in Hannover, Germany
2019 - Best Paper Award to Arpita in 34th M.P. Young Scientist Congress
Kavuri Venkateswara Rao:
Poster presentation in Frontier Symposium in Biology 2022 at IISER TVM ( 29th April- 1st May, 2022)
Ajar Anupam Pradhan:
Poster presentation in Frontier Symposium in Biology 2022 at IISER TVM ( 29th April- 1st May, 2022). Best Poster Award
Shubhi Dwivedi:
Poster presentation in Frontier Symposium in Biology 2022 at IISER TVM ( 29th April- 1st May, 2022)
Arpan Mukherjee:
Poster presentation in Frontier Symposium in Biology 2022 at IISER TVM ( 29th April- 1st May, 2022)
Debojyoti Kar:
4th National Arabidopsis Meeting, NISER Bhubaneshwar ( 29-31st Dec, 2019). Best Poster Award (View Here)
International Conference on ' Current Trends and Future Prospects of Plant Biology (CTFPPB-2023)' at the University of Hyderabad, India (23-25th Feb,2022). Best Poster Award
Rahul Puthan Valappil:
33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2023), Chiba, Japan. Best Oral Presentation award
National Conference on Frontiers in Plant Biology (NCFIPB) 2020, School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad (31st Jan- 1st Feb 2020). Best Poster Award (View Here)
International Conference on Plant Developmental Biology, NISER Bhubaneshwar (12-16 Dec 2017).
Deeksha Singh:
International Conference on Plant Developmental Biology, NISER Bhubaneshwar (12-16 Dec 2017).
32nd International Confernce on Arabidopsis Research ( ICAR), Belfast (20-24 June, 2022)
Nikhil Job:
11th JSPS-HOPE meeting with Nobel Laureates, Okinawa, Japan, sponsored by DST India and JSPS (4-8 Mar 2019). (View here)
Nevedha Ravindran:
All India Cell Biology Conference, Trivandrum
International Conference on Plant Developmental Biology, NISER Bhubaneshwar (12-16 Dec 2017)
Yadukrishnan Prem:
Oral presentation at the Young Researchers Symposium on Plant Photobiology (YRSPP), Cologne, Germany (4-6 Oct 2018) under FAAC scheme. (View here)
Arpita Yadav:
Oral Presentation at 6th Mini-Symposium for Early Career Plant Scientist at Linnean Center for Plant Biology on 3rd March 2020 at Uppsala, Sweden
Oral presentation at Keystone Symposia on ‘Climate Change Linked Stress Response in Plants’ in Hannover, Germany (2019)
Poster Presentation at ICGEB Workshop on ‘Plant responses to light and stress: emerging issues in climate change’ at New Delhi (2018)
Neha Upadhyay:
International Conference on Plant Developmental Biology, NISER Bhubaneshwar (12-16 Dec 2017).
International Conference on Arabidopsis Research,Turku, Finland (FAAC) (24-29 Jun 2018)
All India Cell Biology Conference, Trivandrum (2015)
Selected in EMBO Meeting on Sensing and Signaling in Plants stress response (2019). Best Poster Award (View Here)
Arpan Mukherjee:
DST-STUTI workshop on "Advanced Biological Imaging and Elemental Analysis" at Delhi University, South Campus (7-13th Sept.2022)
Deeksha Singh:
Poster Presentation at the 10th Bangalore microscopy course, NCBS (16-23 Sept. 2018)
Yadukrishnan Prem:
CSIR-NISCAIR Short term course in Science Writing (29 Oct – 2 Nov 2018)
IISER Pune Short term course in “Biostatistics: A Users Perspective” (13-15 Jul, 2018)
Arpita Yadav:
Genome Engineering in Model organisms with CRISPR/Cas9 at IISER Pune (2017)
Neha Upadhyay:
Poster Presentation at the 8th Bangalore microscopy course, NCBS (18-25 Sept. 2016)