2025 PC Codes

Technology Summer Camps

PC Codes is now offering our 6th year of technology summer camps for children in the Park City area. Our camps are designed to be engaging, hands-on, creative and fun. In our week-long sessions, students will learn about a concept in computer science, practice that concept, and work with other campers to create and display an end-of-week capstone project. We are able to differentiate our camps so that both beginners and experts will feel challenged and have fun. Our camps are designed for kids age 8-14. 

Who we are: PC Codes is organized by career educators specializing in making computer science approachable and fun. 

All summer camps will take place at the Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church at the base of the Canyons Resort in Park City. (We are not affiliated with the church and our camps are nonreligious). We have a large, bright indoor space to work on projects and an outdoor patio for snack and break times. 

Contact us with questions at info@pccodes.net

June 16 - 209:00 - 11:30  Ages  8 - 14,   $335 (plus Eventbrite fees and tax)

Take your Minecraft Skills to the next level with this fun, collaborative camp where we learn about some of humanity's most stunning architectural achievements and work together to reconstruct them in the world of Minecraft. Campers will learn that Minecraft is more than just a game, it can also be a first step in immersive, computer aided 3D Design. Campers will have to work together to design, collect resources and construct buildings. At the end of camp, we will present a gallery tour of our creations. This camp is geared towards children ages 8 -14.  

June 23 - 27,  9:00 - 11:30   Ages 8 - 14     $335  (plus Eventbrite fees and tax)


Harness the power of code in Minecraft to instantly summon towers of TNT, make chickens rain from the sky or give yourself superpowers like Mega Jump. We will start by using Minecraft to learn some basics of coding including variables, functions, loops, Boolean logic and much more. We will then apply what we have learned to create some amazing Minecraft structures and even learn a little about math and science along the way. We will even have a few fun survival matches and free build activities thrown in to improve our creativity and teamwork skills. Ages 8-14

July 21-259:00 - 11:30, Ages 8 - 14.     $295 (plus Eventbrite fees and tax)


Let your Minecraft creativity run wild as we work together to design and build a fabulous and sustainable city of the future. In this camp we will be working together to solve challenges in Minecraft such as biodiversity, sustainable cities, futuristic vehicles like flying cars and monorails, redstone manufacturing, renewable energy, future farms and even scientific research stations in different biomes. We won't forget to make sure our cities have a little fun like amusement parks and water parks. This camp will stretch the creativity and abilities of both new Minecraft users and experts alike and is perfect for campers aged 8 -14. 

Battle Bots  

June 16 - 20  12:00 - 2:30  $335 (plus Eventbrite fees and tax) STILL WAITING TO CONFIRM LOCATION


In this week-long camp, kids will learn some fundamentals of  robotics and build projects for a variety of different robotics platforms including Wonder Workshop, Lego Spike Prime, and Vex Robotics kits to accomplish such missions as robo dance party, robo soccer, sumo bot wrestling and battle bots! Students will also build their own interactive robotic machines that can sense and react to the world around them. This camp welcomes beginners and experts alike,  Ages 8 - 14.

Video Game Design   

June 23 -27 , 12:00 - 2:30,   Ages 8 - 14    $335 (plus Eventbrite fees and tax) STILL WAITING TO CONFIM LOCATION


Bring your gaming skills and your creativity to this camp where we will dive into game design by playing and designing text based games, drawing and making our assets like characters, bad guys and levels.  We will also make a platformer game and a racing game with tools like like Scratch, MakeCode Arcade, Microbits, Python and Twinery. We will evey build our own custom controllers with MakeyMakey's so people can control our video games. This camp will appeal to new coders just starting out as well as those who have already made a few games for campers aged 8 -14. 

Take Flight    

July 21-2612:00 - 2:30  Ages 8 - 14,   $335 (plus Eventbrite fees and tax) STILL WAITING TO CONFIM LOCATION

In this camp, we will blast off into exciting activities centered around the principles of flight. We will build compressed air rockets, hot air balloons, gliders, propeller models and wind tube copters. And with each project, we will be able to modify our designs to achieve greater height, better lift, or corkscrew turns. We will even design and 3D print our own rocket parts to soar to even greater heights and distances. If your child has a love of building, tinkering and all things flight, then join us for this camp. We have projects that will challenge novices and pros alike from ages 8 - 14.