Open calls and Opportunities

Research opportunities under my supervision

I'm inviting highly motivated students to collaborate on a research project and develop valuable research skills.  My experience guiding students, both on-site and remotely, can help you explore the topic you're truly interested in.  Don't hesitate to reach out, regardless of your location – in many universities, external advisors are possible alongside a local one. I 'd be happy to discuss potential projects.

Fondecyt postdoctoral fellowship

FONDECYT announced its annual call for applications for postdoctoral grants in Chile. These grants provide awardees with support for their research projects, encompassing salary, research expenses, and even relocation assistance.  A successful application hinges on collaboration with a faculty member at a Chilean institution, ensuring a well-defined and impactful research project. Are your research interests aligned with numerical methods, numerical astrophysics/hydrodynamics in the context of planet formation and dynamics? I am particularly enthusiastic about sponsoring candidates in these fields. Feel free to contact me if you find this possibility interesting and you would like to apply to work with me.

For further details about the 2024 call (in spanish):