Principal Investigator

Tae Wu Kim, Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Mokpo National University

Department of Chemistry

Office: 061-450-2338

Lab: 061-450-2338


Ph. D., Physical Chemistry, KAIST, Korea, 2016 (Advisor: Prof. Hyotcherl Ihee)

Thesis: Structural and electronic dynamics studies of photoactive macromolecules using time-resolved X-ray scattering and optical spectroscopy

B. S., Chemistry, Ajou University, Korea, 2010

Assistant Professor, Mokpo National University, 2021 present

Postdoctoral Fellow, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), USA, 2019 – 2021

Advisors: Prof. Lin X. Chen (ANL/Northwestern University) & Dr. Lisa M. Utschig (ANL)

Research Fellow, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Korea, 2016 – 2019 (Advisor: Prof. Hyotcherl Ihee)

목포대학교 자연ᆞ공학계열 학술 우수상, Mokpo National University, 2023

학술논문 우수 표창장, Mokpo National University, 2023