Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students at JKMS to achieve social, emotional and academic success. As a school, we work hard to help our students grow and prepare for the next step in their journey, and we want to encourage them in their positive behavior.
At Kerr, we implement PBIS by having a team of people that meet on a monthly basis to discuss how to help the school be a more positive place. We continually create lessons and implement activities on campus to teach expectations to all students in all areas, recognizing those students who are contributing positively to campus, and coming alongside those that need support.
Students earn Kerr Kudos for showing Kindness, Effort, Respect, and Responsibility. With their Kerr Kudo Tickets they are eligible to buy prizes at the monthly Kerr Kudo Store.
PBIS Team Information
The team consists of Staff members, Parents/Guardians, and Students. We are always willing to add more people to the team. We meet at least once every month in-person afterschool. If you are interested in being a part of the PBIS team, please email Chelsey Fernandez at clfernan@egusd.net