
My research's primary goal is to explore possibilities and provide applications within the rapidly developing field of quantum science and technology, with a particular focus on quantum simulation, quantum algorithms, and quantum networks.

My research aims to improve our fundamental understanding of novel states of matter, such as strongly-correlated and topological phases. For these purposes, I am conducting interdisciplinary research at the interface of quantum optics, molecular and atomic (AMO) physics, quantum information science, condensed matter physics, and machine learning.

I use and develop analytical condensed-matter methods, large-scale numerics, and machine learning techniques to tackle quantum many-body problems.

I have extensive experience with various quantum platforms based on Rydberg arrays, trapped ions, superconducting qubits, Rydberg polaritons, circuit-QED, dipolar atoms, ultracold atoms in optical lattices, polar molecules, graphene, and 2D semiconductors.