When requested, a windows.Window contains an array of tabs.Tab objects. You mustdeclare the "tabs" permission in your manifest if you need access to the url,pendingUrl, title, or favIconUrl properties of tabs.Tab. For example:

For example, say an extension creates a few tabs or windows from a single HTML file, and that theHTML file contains a call to tabs.query(). The current window is the window that contains thepage that made the call, no matter what the topmost window is.

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If true, the windows.Window object has a tabs property that contains a list of the tabs.Tab objects. The Tab objects only contain the url, pendingUrl, title, and favIconUrl properties if the extension's manifest file includes the "tabs" permission.

The ID of the window. Window IDs are unique within a browser session. In some circumstances a window may not be assigned an ID property; for example, when querying windows using the sessions API, in which case a session ID may be present.

The offset of the window from the left edge of the screen in pixels. In some circumstances a window may not be assigned a left property; for example, when querying closed windows from the sessions API.

Fired when the currently focused window changes. Returns chrome.windows.WINDOW_ID_NONE if all Chrome windows have lost focus. Note: On some Linux window managers, WINDOW_ID_NONE is always sent immediately preceding a switch from one Chrome window to another.

Open Webroot "Application Protection" module. Find list of Applications > firefox.exe and chrome.exe. Move Protection bullet at firefox.exe from "Protect" to "Allow" and launch Firefox.Ā 

Same with chrome.exe and launch Chrome.

I have been told that chrome used to do the client side certificates automatically but apparently does not do that any longer. dont know cant say. While I do know a lot about security , certificates were never anything I dealt with before.

well i bit the bullet and took a chance with a site that i trust and also based on belief that the error message is coming from chrome not a virus. at least i did not see any ransomware like actions next. and i had scrubbed the system with mbam before doing it. will now be doing another scrub to see if anything new shows up after clicking on the clock fix icon.

Looked at a couple of others and either they failed or I did not like them enough to get them installed as I had gotten chrome to work just fine for many years after firefox/foxfire self imploded on that update. If it were not for their stop regenerating certificates in the XP version I would use it till the hardware died.

It doesn't matter how many windows and tabs you have opened of chrome, and when you close the recent most window is opened. To open all windows separately and all the tabs in order you can always use this ->whenever you close chrome and then reopen it go to wrenchbar icon and select Recent Tabs this will show you the windows and the no. of tabs opened in each window. So you can reopen them again.

I know this is old but I ran into an issue where I had multiple windows (5 open) in addition to my original session that I wanted to keep (it had a multitude of tabs within the window) and I didn't want to lose it. But silly me, accidentally closed them all in the wrong order losing my very first session. But I was able to recover my very first session by continually right clicking on a new tab to reopen sequences of previous session tabs and windows until it eventually went all the way to my very first session.*Btw, I'm using whatever latest version of Google Chrome as of June 8th, 2016.

When you just re-opened the (recent version of) Chrome, there are marks of sort of "bunch of tabs" (with number of them bold font) visible in the history. Those refer to windows. The most recent actually refers to already open window, if selected the settings option "restore previous session" (nice joke from Chrome). But if you forgot to restore all the windows immediately after reopening Chrome and opened 1-3 new tabs, those "windows" get erased from the history (WHY THE HECK, GOOGLE?) and there is no way to recover. At least I still couldn't find any.

Funny thing is that if you decided to protect yourself and installed some special plugin to handle that, e.g. "tabs-outliner", it can restore the windows only when Chrome crashed. If the Chrome was closed gracefully, no history of those windows saved unless you deliberately renamed those beforehand to be firmly kept. But you cannot keep in mind all those tricks all the time and eventually get into those stupd UX bugs pitfalls!. Thank you, Google!

I open a lot of separate windows of Chrome on my Mac. However, juggling between two separate windows of Chrome doesn't work with Command+tab. When I press command+tab, only one instance of Chrome can be seen although there are many others in the dock.

Applications on Mac OS X are generally only started once, and multiple windows belong to the same process. Internally, there can be additional processes (like for Chrome, or even Safari now), but there is one process responsible for the UI (e.g. the single Dock icon). Workarounds exist, but they are not well known, easy to use, and unreliable.

Another solution for switching between applications and/or windows is Expos, now in Lion part of Mission Control. You can configure shortcuts for viewing all applications' windows or the current application's windows in *System PreferencesĀ  Mission Control:

When invoking the Application windows hotkey (or using the trackpad gesture configured in System PreferencesĀ  TrackpadĀ  More GesturesĀ  App Expos, it presents the application windows side by side, with minimized windows shown smaller below:

Mac apps generally only have one instance, even if they have many separate document windows open. To use the keyboard to switch between windows of the same app, use Command+` (backtick, above the tab key, at least on my US-Qwerty keyboard layout).

I'm not sure what to make of your comment that "there are many others in the dock". Did you make multiple copies of "Google Chrome.app" so you can launch multiple instances, and that's what you see in the dock? It's possible that although you have many copies of Chrome in the dock, maybe you've only actually launched a single instance. Or did you minimize some Chrome windows to the dock, and it's the minimized window icons that you see in the dock that you're thinking are separate instances of Chrome? I think it's probably this.

I'm also new to mac and was searching for best solution for switching between windows instead of apps. Specially if they are minimized. It was almost impossible to dig them out. Like they are buried in the dock. I even tried Witch.

You will get into expose and all your application windows will be drawn on screen - even minimized ones - with small images below big ones.Now just select your window using arrows and press EnterYou can also use arrows in Cmd-Tab while holding Cmd

Why is it most logical - because on Cmd-Tab menu you imagine applications are horizontally and windows are vertically - like on PSP menu. And when u get to expose u even see what is big is active window, what is small is minimized - that why it is so difficult to get to it - it is buried under running windows :)

Most of the solutions provided are either inconvenient or didn't work for me. I'm using Mac for the first time and the easiest way I found to switch between multiple chrome windows or other applications is to "Swipe up with three fingers on the trackpad and choose from the multiple open application windows". Works like a charm and it's more functional than cmd + Tab as it displays all the open applications' windows.

contexts, paid app but it does everything you need, makes alt-tab/command-tab work like Windows (selects between same app windows) and more. Saved me from the muscle memory re-training when I switched to mac.

With the Outlook browser extension, you can quickly access your Outlook work account or your Outlook.com or Hotmail account without switching to another tab or app. You can focus on what matters while working in your browser without needing to switch between multiple windows.

This stopped working a month ago or so. Not sure what has changed. It works in MS Edge just fine but I can not figure out why it wont work in chrome. All of the troubleshooting I find seems old and from years ago and not related. Has anyone else experienced this and fixed it?

Use different profiles. You can do this in chrome by clicking the Proflile icon in the top-right of any window. It'll ask you to log in with your Google account but you're able to make a local account with any name.

I did some research into this issue, and it seems the only way to do this is to open different browsers e.g - firefox for presonal stuff, chrome for work etc...will be happy to see a better solotion though...

Same as above - when I try to use dropbox passwords on my laptop - it asks me to login and then opens this page: chrome-extension://bmhejbnmpamgfnomla...

Which says:Ā 

Check "chrome windows" for a notification

TAC gave a soft confirmation of the issue, stating that they're starting to correlate reports of this. They also had me test a fun theory -- If you rename the Chrome executable, it will actually work. Once it's renamed back to chrome.exe, the issue reproduces again.

Add the chrome.adm template through the dialog box. A Google/Google Chrome folder appears under Administrative Templates if it's not there already. If you add the ADM template on Windows 10 or 7, the folder appears under Classic Administrative Templates/Google/Google Chrome. ff782bc1db

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