Quickbooks Payroll Update Error PS033 How to Fix

Payroll feature plays an extremely beneficial role in QuickBooks, and this is one of the main cause that QuickBooks is widely used. This feature helps the employers of any small and medium sized companies to conviniently pay fees to their employees. Being easy to use and customized in nature it allows the users to enjoy various functions. But it is not necessary that it won’t have any error; it also has some flaws. QuickBooks payroll update error PS033 is one of those errors which occurs due to the availability of any damaged file in the CPS folder. If you want to fix this error, you can get in touch with QuickBooks customer service number to get assistance from the technical experts. But before that, have a look at the reasons along with the steps to fix the payroll update error PS033 given below:

Causes of QuickBooks Payroll Update Error:

  • This error could occur when you have not activated the payroll subscription
  • Availability of more than one payroll in the inactive direct deposit agreement
  • When QuickBooks contains damaged data
  • When the user has not updated and is using the older version of QuickBooks software
  • When the service key you entered is incorrect
  • The error could occur due to the incorrect and invalid employer identification number of the company file
  • The weak internet connection can also lead to this error
  • Invalid PSID company file can cause this error

Steps to fix QuickBooks Error PS033 are:

  • Step 1: You will be required to upgrade QuickBooks payroll tax table and proceed. This is the most important step because the other steps will not execute if you don’t update the payroll tax table
  • Step 2: You will be required to make a backup of all your QuickBooks data before you start with the steps
  • Step 3: Once you have updated the tax table, check if the issue is fixed and if it is not, proceed to the next step
  • Step 4: Now you will have to locate C:\Program files\Intuit\QuickBooks 20QQ\Components\Payroll\CPS on your computer
  • Step 5: The reference to the early edition will be denoted by the QuickBooks.
  • Step 6: Rename the CPS folder as ‘CPSOLD’ and check if the issue is still not solved
  • Step 7: You need to try updating the payroll, and if it is updating, your problem has been fixed
  • Step 8: You will have to disable user account control or change its settings if your problem still persists
  • Step 9: You will be required to restart your system and open QuickBooks again to see if it is working now or not.

If you follow the steps mentioned above carefully, your problem will be fixed very soon. But if you think that these steps are not helping you, you can contact QuickBooks payroll support number where the team of experts is available to serve you with the best possible solution, and you can call them whenever you want.

Read More:- Quickbooks Payroll Error 12031 How to Fix and Resolve

Source URL:- https://payrollwebs.blogspot.com/2019/07/quickbooks-payroll-update-error-ps033.html