PayPal Error Code 10001

What is PayPal API Error Code 10001?

When you get "Button Source value truncated, “Internal error”, “Transaction failed due to internal error”, “Warning. an internal error has occurred. The transaction id may not be correct”, “The transaction failed as a result of invalid credit card number. Check the number or attempt with another credit card”, “Receiving Limit Exceeded” and “Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details" in your PayPal then these error message occur due to PayPal Error Code 10001.

This PayPal API Error Code 10001 occur due to incorrect information entered by User. This error also occurs due to IP address conflict issue and sometime due to user bank account.

Why is PayPal API Error Code 10001?

This API Error code occurs during payment lot of reasons including incorrect PIN entered by user.

  1. 10001 API Error Message ButtonSource value truncated occurs due to Identification code entered by PayPal User.

  2. PayPal API Error 10001 Message Internal error occurs due to lot of common problem in PayPal Internal Server.

  3. API Error 10001 Message Transaction failed due to internal error occurs due to lot of problem in PayPal Server.

  4. 10001 API Error Message Warning! an internal error has occurred. The transaction id may not be correct occurs due to transaction ID. The transaction ID may have been changed by the API or system.

  5. API Error Message 10001 The transaction failed as a result of invalid credit card number. Check the number or attempt with another credit card occurs due to credit card or debit card issuer bank. This error message does not belong with PayPal.

  6. 10001 API Error Message Receiving Limit Exceeded occurs due to transactions limits by PayPal or user card issuing bank.

  7. API Error 10001 Message Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details occurs due to MassPay RECEIVERTYPE not recognized by PayPal.

You can fix this API error Code Message by opting all below steps.

  1. This PayPal Error Message Button Source value truncated solve by visiting PayPal Customer Care and by calling this Phone Number.

  2. This Error 10001 Message Internal error solve by visiting PayPal Customer Care and by calling this Phone Number.

  3. This API Error Message Transaction failed due to internal error solve by visiting PayPal Customer Care PayPal Customer Care Helpline.

  4. This PayPal 10001 Error Message Warning! an internal error has occurred. The transaction id may not be correct solve by visiting PayPal Customer Helpline and by calling this Phone Number.

  5. This API Error Message The transaction failed as a result of invalid credit card number. Check the number or attempt with another credit card solve by visiting PayPal Customer Care Helpline and by calling this Phone Number .

  6. This Error Message Receiving Limit Exceeded solve by visiting PayPal Customer Care Helpline and by calling this Phone Number.

  7. This API 10001 Error Message Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details solve by visiting PayPal Customer Care.

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We are independent PayPal Customer Care Service. We provide a variety of technical solutions for many products. However, we are not affiliated with any 3rd party brand unless otherwise specified. The Services we sell may be available directly from your product manufacturer or supplier.