The Payload Generator enables you to create a properly formatted executable that you can use to deliver shellcode to a target system without the use of an exploit. The Payload Generator provides a guided interface that walks you through the process of generating a dynamic payload or a classic payload. Depending on the type of payload you choose to build, it will display the applicable options that you can use to customize the payload.

You use the payload generator when you need to build a standalone binary file that delivers a custom-built payload. Binary files, such as .exe and .bin files, are typically delivered through client-side exploits, such as phishing emails or social engineering attacks, which means that you will probably need to be able to bypass anti-virus detection to execute the shellcode on the target system. To help reduce anti-virus detection, the Payload Generator enables you to do things like encode the payload and use a dynamic executable.

Payload Generator

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Payloads are generated globally, outside the context of a project. This means that payloads are generated on the fly, can only be downloaded once, and are not tied to a particular project. They are useful when you need to quickly generate an executable payload for a single use.

You access the Payload Generator from the Global Tools area of the web interface. To access the Payload Generator, go to the Projects List. Find the Global Tools area and click on the Payload Generator widget to launch it.

The Payload Generator enables you to build a Windows executable that uses a dynamic stager that is written entirely in randomized C code. The dynamic stager does not use an executable template or shellcode, which allows it to behave similarly to a standard Windows application. The resulting executable is different each time it is generated, so that anti-virus software will not be able to identify the stager as Metasploit shellcode.

The stager is what the payload uses to set up the network connection between the target machine and the payload handler running on the Metasploit server. The stager enables you to use a smaller payload to load and inject a larger, more complex payload called the stage.

If the payload generates without error, a window appears and alerts you that the payload has been generated and is ready for you to download. Click Download Now to automatically download the executable.

An encoder enables you to eliminate bad characters from a payload so that you can use it with a particular exploit. A character is considered to be bad if some aspect of the exploit makes it impossible to use. For example, many applications interpret a null byte as the end of a string. If it appears anywhere in the payload, the shellcode will terminate before it completes and cause the payload to fail. In this particular case, you can apply an encoder that removes null bytes from the payload.

An encoder does not guarantee that a payload will evade anti-virus detection, but it will ensure a payload does not contain bad characters that can cause issues with an exploit or produce unintended results.

There are many different encoders that are available in the Metasploit Framework, which can be used for various situations. For example, some encoders, such as alpha_mixed and alpha_lower, can be used to replace characters with all alphanumeric characters, which can be useful for applications that only accept text-based characters as input. Other encoders, such as the very reliable and highly ranked shikata_ga_nai, are polymorphic XOR encoders that use an XOR encrypting scheme to help evade detection.

Specifies the executable template that you want to use to run in the main thread. For example, you can embed the payload in an executable, like calc.exe. When the executable runs, it creates a separate thread for the payload that runs in the background and continues to run calc.exe in the main thread.

The configuration of a classic payload will vary based on the platform, architecture, payload, stager, and stage that you have selected. The following instructions will provide an overview of the steps that you need to perform to generate a classic payload--such as a Linux Meterpreter Reverse TCP payload.

From this point on, the steps will vary depending on the platform, architecture, and payload you have selected. Generally, you will need to specify the LHOST (reverse), LPORT, and RHOST (bind) that the payload uses, as well as the output options for the executable. You can also do things like encode the payload.

If the payload generates without error, a window appears and alerts you that the payload has been generated and is ready for you to download. Click Download Now to automatically start the download process.

Note: This framework was designed to work with Kali Linux out of the box (JDK update is required and included with the simple-ducky). However, it should work with other Linux distro's as long as you install the required dependencies (see the wiki page for other than Kali installs).

Installing the simple-ducky just got even easier. Just download the install script, then copy and paste the lines below into your terminal.The install script now supports all Debian based Linux distro's.

Version 1.0.2 now supports international keyboards. Please download it and try it out as I have not been able to test the payloads using international key mappings. Let me know if you have any issues getting it to run.

Awesome work! I started a project exactly like this a couple months ago but work struck and I haven't had time to maintain it. Below is the code for the pseudo framework shell script I wrote. Maybe you can digest it into your setup to add graphical menus with the dialog commands I used. You could also use zenity.

Thanks so much for the shout-out on the show yesterday. The download count for the simple-ducky has gone up drastically in the last 24 hours... I put a new tool request on Lets see if we can get it voted up and make a permanent mark for hak5 in Kali. I have already built a new version (not posted) that places the ducky folder in the /usr/share directory and create a sym link so that all you have to run is "simple-ducky" to start the payload generator.

ASCII artist wanted! I'm looking to class up the main menu a little bit. I know there are some talented artists among the Hak5 community. The art should be in bash format, include the titled "Simple-Ducky Payload Generator" and include a duck of some sort. Send your art to

demonjester, I just ran it and can confirm that there are no issues with the payload... Try rebooting the victim machine. The only issue that i can see is that the script is running too fast for the victim machine. You can modify the delays in the conf file by opening /ducky/encoder/payloads/persistenceVIS7nouac.conf with any text editor. Currently this is how all of the vista/7 without UAC payloads open a command prompt. If the consensus is that there needs to be longer delay's I will modify all the conf in the next build which will be available soon.

Hmmm, sorry to hear that you are having issues. We are going to figure this out.... I assume by the screenshot that you are running US key mapping? Are you getting the same results with other payloads? How long of an entry delay are you using?

Thanks for the feedback. I posted an updated version on the Google code page. If you already have v1.0.6 installed you can just download v1.0.7 and either replace the ducky directory (/usr/share/ducky) with the new one, or run the script again. It will probably give you an error about the symbolic link, that's ok as it's just letting your know that the symbolic link already exists.

When I tried to set a password that started with a capital letter, I think it just pressed enter without letting me actually type my full password. Actually, I think it just automatically goes, even without me typing anything. Here's the output:

Try running it again... Typically for my attacking machines ftp server I use the creds of:

username: hacker

password: hacker

The reason for this is because the commands are going to be run on the victims machine so you don't your everyday account to get comprised or possibly your real name... On another note, I just went back through setup mine up using a 12 character password with uppercase, lowercase, special characters and numbers.

Ok, I got it working. I think the problem was that when the toolkit tried to install the server, it didn't work. When I manually installed the package, it started working. The commands you put up also helped though. Thanks.

I get the following error on all payloads that I try to generate on Kali 1.0.3 VM (I have already updated 64 bit java)

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Encoder : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(





at Method)


at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

Could not find the main class: Encoder. Program will exit.

The end result is that no inject.bin file is ever created. The payload.txt file is created; but I cannot manually from terminal use encoder to convert that to the inject.bin either. Kali linux has the pae kernel and should be considered 64 bit right? When I updated java should I have selected 32 bit? Could that be the cause of my grief? 152ee80cbc

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