
  • Sunsingers are not allowed to have the Fireborn perk equipped.
  • All content must be run at the highest light level difficulty with the exception that Raids should be run in Normal Mode to allow reinforcements.
  • The primary guardians and as many reinforcement guardians as possible should all be in a party in order to facilitate quick replacements whenever a guardian dies.
  • When a guardian dies in a darkness zone, they should leave the fireteam as soon as possible so that the next reinforcement, in order, can join the fireteam. The current fireteam is allowed to "revive" reinforcements if they join during a darkness zone since they will come in as a ghost. For our narrative purposes, it will be as if they made their way to the fireteam without dying.
  • Guardians may choose to leave their assigned content early, but only between missions or while not in a darkness zone. The next reinforcement will then be asked to fly in.
  • Assignments will be updated as guardians die in content. Whenever assignments change due to guardians death, updates will be posted to the Assignment page and a post will be made on the PA forums.
  • Wipes due to glitches (Sword on Crota disappearing, sliding glitch, etc) will not be counted and the fireteam may all revive and try again.