Practical 9

Name : Premsagar Manoj Pawar

Subject : Cyber Security Lab

Class : BE Computer

Section : B

Roll No : 30

Aim: Study of Reporting Tools in Kali Linux.

Dradis framework:

Step 1 − To start Dradis, type “service dradis start”.in terminal.

Step 2 − To open, go to Applications → Reporting Tools → dradis. The web URL will open. Anybody in LAN can open it in the following URL https://IP of kali machine:3004 (check the port number) Log in with the username and password that was used for the first time.

Step 3 − After logging in, you can import files from NMAP, NESSUS, NEXPOSE. To do so, go to “Import from file” → click “new importer(with real-time feedback)”.

Step 4 − Select the file type that you want to upload. In this case, it is “Nessus scan” → click “Browse”.

Dradis is an open source framework to enable effective information sharing, specially during security assessments.

Dradis is a self-contained web application that provides a centralized repository of information to keep track of what has been done so far, and what is still ahead.

Features include:


dradis Usage Example

root@kali:~# service dradis start

Installing Dradis on Kali Linux

Before we get started, we'll need to install a few packages. Run the following in your terminal:

$ apt-get install libsqlite3-dev

$ apt-get install zlib1g-dev

Reset Dradis:

This guide contains:

Reset your instance

This command clears out your instance so that you're ready for your next project. First, Dradis creates a backup project export file in case you ever need to restore this project, then it clears out all of the data from your instance, leaving you with a blank slate and a backup.

Note: make sure you're running these commands from your dradis-ce folder.

$ bundle exec thor dradis:reset

Expected output:

I, [2018-01-01] INFO -- : Project package created at:


** Deleting all attachments... [ DONE ]

** Cleaning database... [ DONE ]

** Seeding database... [ DONE ]

** Deleting all log files... [ DONE ]

To access the backup, just download it from the file path in the output. In this example, the backup is at /dradis-ce/backup/

Reset your attachments

Your attachments are found in the dradis-ce/attachments/ folder and its subfolders. Attachments are the files that you've uploaded to your project. These could be scans (e.g. Nessus, Burp, etc), screenshots, or project export files. The command below will delete all of the attachments from your instance.

Note: make sure you're running these commands from your dradis-ce folder.

$ bundle exec thor dradis:reset:attachments

Expected output:

** Deleting all attachments... [ DONE ]

Reset your database

This command removes all data from a dradis repository. It's diferent from the dradis:reset command outlined above in that it doesn't generate a project export in the process, it's simply a hard delete.

Note: make sure you're running these commands from your dradis-ce folder.

$ bundle exec thor dradis:reset:database

Expected output:

** Cleaning database... [ DONE ]

Reset your logs

The log files for your instance are found in the dradis-ce/log/ folder. The command below will delete all of the log files from your instance.

removes all log files

Note: make sure you're running these commands from your dradis-ce folder.

$ bundle exec thor dradis:reset:logs

Expected output:

** Deleting all log files... [ DONE ]

Reset your password

Set a new shared password. During the install process, you set a shared password for your instance. Use the command below to update your shared password.

Note: make sure you're running these commands from your dradis-ce folder.

$ bundle exec thor dradis:reset:password

Expected output:

Changing password for Dradis server.

Enter new Dradis password: dradis

Retype new Dradis password: dradis







Dradis :