Concrete Floor

How to Decide on Replicating or Fixing Your Concrete Floor

Concrete is commonly used in commercial and industrial installations for its extreme durability. But as strong as this material is, it is not invulnerable. Over time, your concrete floors will wear down. We've all seen cracks and sags in garage floors, which serve as prime examples of what can happen to concrete if it's not properly maintained and protected. And the more damaged your concrete floor becomes, the less safe it becomes for your workers and equipment.

Once you start noticing that your concrete floors are in poor shape, what should you do next? Your first question might be whether you should seek out a concrete repair service or replace your floors entirely. Let's go over how you can make this decision and what each one will entail.

Inspect your Concrete Floors Regularly

To make an informed decision about your concrete paving, you should carefully inspect them on a regular basis. This way you can get an idea of ​​how your floors are wearing over time and if certain areas need more attention than others. Take a close look at your floors weekly, looking for cracks, curls, sagging, efflorescence (white powder on the surface), or discoloration. While your eyes can only pick up part of what's happening to your commercial concrete flooring , taking a close look often will help you avoid major repairs or replacements and allow you to better inform one of the trusted commercial concrete repair contractors houston in advance of your visit.

Of course, just knowing there's a problem isn't enough to tell if a repair or replacement job is in your best interest. To do this, you need to know how serious and widespread the problem is.

When is the Time to Repair your concrete Floors?

Simply put, most concrete floor problems can be resolved with commercial concrete repair . When you see cracks, for example, it's often a surface-level problem that can be resolved by filling in the gaps, cleaning the floor, painting it, and applying a new concrete floor sealer to keep your investment well-protected for the future. However, that's not to say that cracks can't also signify a deeper problem. That's why it's crucial to hire a reliable contractor who can fully examine your floors.

You should also consider whether the problem is limited to one part of your floor or whether it is spread throughout the area. It would not make sense to replace the entire floor because of a localized problem that does not affect everything else. Even if the problem is quite serious, a good repair job can usually restore your concrete floor.

When is the time to replace your concrete floors?

Sometimes the problem with concrete floors is deeper than the floor itself. If the ground under the floors has shifted significantly, for example, it might be time to install a new floor, or else the existing foundation will continue to crack and crumble over time. Of course, some changes are unavoidable, and a properly installed floor should be able to withstand these forces. However, if your flooring wasn't installed correctly at first, you may need to invest in a replacement to correct the error.

In other words, concrete floor replacement is necessary when there is a problem with the very foundation of the floor. Without a solid foundation, the entire integrity of the floor will quickly deteriorate, leading to visible surface problems. Not even a new concrete epoxy coating treatment will be enough to save your floor in these circumstances.

Ask the Experts

No one wants to deal with repairing or replacing their concrete floors. However, it is important to take action whenever you notice your floors are damaged to ensure the safety of your workers and to maintain the value and structural integrity of your property. It's not always easy to know whether to repair or replace your concrete floors, so you should consult the experts. At Pavement Services, our flooring professionals know the ins and outs of concrete. We can determine the problem and find a solution for your installation.

Whether you need help with floor repairs or Concrete repair near me, let us help you keep your concrete floors strong and beautiful. For more information about our company and all the services we offer, please contact us at 713.661.9295.