contacts & commissions

Describe what you expect from the map. What type of map should it be - world, continent, region, city or location (like dungeon, tavern or a keep)? Some overall description of your world. Links to the examples of my or other maps, that you like could be very helpful. You can also include any specifics about world lore, pricing or licensing.

Then I get in touch with you and we discuss details and if we agree on everything I begin to work. At the beginning I will show you a raw draft and you will get reports on the status of your map to keep you updated during the work.

What you get

I usually do all the linework with ink on paper (A4 normally). Then I scan the map and color it digitally. I also tend to add the labels digitally though it may be discussed. So what you get is a digital high resolution (600 dpi) colored map and a scan of ink linework. If you are interested I can also send you the original handdrawn ink linework though the delivery from Siberia could be tricky to some places.


Everything depends on the specifics of the map. The range is like 50-300$. Huge, detailed city maps tend to require more work, so those are towards the higher end. Continent or area maps could be easier, so they are cheaper. Everything in between is in between.

How to get one

You can DM me on Instagram of fill the form below.