Paul Rognon-Vael

About me:

I am PhD student in statistics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). My advisors are David Rossell and Piotr Zwiernik

Prior to joining UPF, I was a research intern at Marta Melé's lab in the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, working on transcriptomics.  In past lives, I was a quantitative finance analyst working on all kinds of risks (climate, market, credit, liquidity, operational, fair lending) for large and midsize banks in the US.  


Research interets:

My current work focuses on high-dimensional problems at crossroads between Bayesian and frequentist theory. I am working on designing better regularisation for settings where external / prior information is available on the parameter vector sparsity or the variable selection problem. This kind of information arises naturally from domain expert knowledge, in data integration settings and sequential problems. I developed theoretical results high-dimensional linear regression showing that regularizers informed of block structure in sparsity outperform their non-informed counterparts. I plan on extending this work to other settings such as causal discovery, reinforcement learning or large covariance matrix learning.

From my professional and academic experience, I also developed interests in:  graphs and networks, learning under fairness constraints, extreme values, spatial processes and functional data. My favourite areas of applications are genetics and finance / risk. 



García-Pérez R., Ramirez J.M., …, Rognon P. J. , …, Melé M. (2023), “The landscape of expression and alternative splicing variation across human traits”, Cell Genomics, 3(1), 100244. (link)




Department of Economy and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27, 08005 Barcelona

Office: 23.101

Email: firstname.rognon @ gmail . com