Custom Discord Rich Presence For Mac

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How to Set Up Custom Discord Rich Presence For Mac

Discord is a popular chat app that lets you communicate with your friends and join various communities. One of the features that Discord offers is the ability to show what you are doing on your computer or mobile device, such as playing a game, listening to music, or watching a video. This is called Rich Presence, and it can be customized to display any information you want.

In this article, we will show you how to set up custom Discord Rich Presence for Mac using a free tool called Discord-RPC-Mac. This tool allows you to create your own Rich Presence status with custom text, images, buttons, and timestamps. You can also update your status dynamically using AppleScript or shell commands.

Step 1: Download and Install Discord-RPC-Mac

To use custom Discord Rich Presence for Mac, you need to download and install Discord-RPC-Mac from its GitHub page. You can either download the latest release as a zip file or clone the repository using git. Once you have the files, open the Discord file and follow the instructions to install it.

Step 2: Create a Discord Application

To use custom Discord Rich Presence for Mac, you also need to create a Discord application on the Discord Developer Portal. This is where you can configure your Rich Presence settings and upload your custom images. To create a Discord application, follow these steps:

Log in to the Discord Developer Portal with your Discord account.

Click on the New Application button at the top right corner.

Give your application a name and click on Create.

Copy the Client ID from the General Information tab and save it somewhere. You will need it later.

Go to the Rich Presence tab and click on Add Image(s).

Upload any images you want to use for your Rich Presence status. You can upload up to 150 images per application. Make sure to give each image a unique name.

Save your changes.

Step 3: Configure and Run Discord-RPC-Mac

Now that you have installed Discord-RPC-Mac and created a Discord application, you can configure and run it to display your custom Rich Presence status. To do that, follow these steps:

Open the Discord file again.

Paste your Client ID from the previous step into the Application ID field.

Fill in the other fields with your desired Rich Presence settings. You can use any text or image name that you uploaded to your Discord application. You can also leave some fields blank if you don't want to use them.

If you want to update your status dynamically using AppleScript or shell commands, check the Enable Scripting box and enter your script in the Script field. You can use variables like $state, $details, $largeImageKey, etc. to access and modify your Rich Presence settings. For more information on scripting, see the documentation.

Click on the Connect button to start displaying your custom Rich Presence status on Discord.

If you want to change your settings or stop displaying your status, click on the Edit or Disconnect buttons respectively.


In this article, we showed you how to set up custom Discord Rich Presence for Mac using Discord-RPC-Mac. This is a simple and free way to customize your Discord status and show what you are doing on your Mac. You can also use scripting to update your status dynamically based on various factors. We hope 66dfd1ed39

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