Researcher, Banque de France Associate Researcher, Sciences Po - OFCEVisiting Scholar (academic year 2024-2025), Stanford University
Research Fields: Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, Financial Economics 
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Conference organization:
» 15 September 2024: Paper submission deadline for the Workshop Empirical Monetary Economics 2024 (December 9, Paris)
» 6-7 June 2024: 2nd Paris Conference on the Macroeconomics of Expectations: Program
Recent publications 
» May 2024: "Same Actions, Different Effects: The Conditionality of Monetary Policy Instruments" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Monetary Economics
» September 2023: "The Distribution of Households' Indebtedness and the Transmission of Monetary Policy" has been published in the Review of Economics and Statistics
» July 2022: "Information Frictions across various types of Inflation Expectations" has been published in the European Economic Review

Working papers
» The Heterogeneous Effects of Monetary Policy on Labor Income: Disentangling the Extensive and Intensive Margins, with Frédérique Savignac, June 2024. [pdf]
» The Uncertainty Effects of Dissent in Monetary Policy Committee, with Christophe Blot and Fabien Labondance, July 2023. [pdf]
» Information Acquisition ahead of Monetary Policy Announcements, with Michael Ehrmann, February 2024. [pdf]
» The Asymmetric Effects of Monetary Policy on Stock Price Bubbles, with Christophe Blot and Fabien Labondance, June 2024. [pdf]
» Central Bank Information Effects and Financial Markets’ Interpretation of Monetary Policy, March 2023. [pdf]

Work in progress
» Monetary Policy and the Slope of the Yield Curve, with Rose Portier.
» Capital Misallocation and Firm Expectations, with Erwan Gautier and Alaïs Martin-Baillon.
» Central Bank Communication and Policy Expectations, with Sylvérie Herbert and Mathias Lé.