I'm using the latest Mac and Windows versions of 1P (standalone license) and I'm worried I have misconfigured my vault. My vault is located at Dropbox which I use to keep my different 1P clients (Mac, Win, iOS) synced. I first installed and upgraded the Mac client from v6 to v7 without issues. It's the Windows client that I have reservations about. Although I do see and can make changes to my data through the Windows client, the vault is reported by the Windows app as being located "On this PC". Shouldn't the vault be reported as being located in DropBox and only the backups be kept locally, as is the case with the Mac client?

One other thing that had me worried was the fact that I created a new login today through the Windows client and when I returned home tonight, I had a notification from the Mac client that 1P had a conflicting file (band# something) in my 1Password.opvault file. I can see the new login from my Mac client but is the conflicting copy something that denotes installation problems or issues that I have to further look into?

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Hi @bundtkate ! It looks like everything is setup correctly after all. My vault points to the right location and I confirm that I'm not missing any data from any of my 1P clients. Thanks for the info on how Windows clients handle resolution of conflicts; I didn't know that and that had me worried there. It still remains a mystery to me why the conflicting file was created in the first place, since I'm sure that at that time only my Windows client was accessing my vault, but is seems that there's no reason for concern. Thank again!

I had an old 1password account that I no longer have access to. I made a new family account and I am wanting to connect that to the app on my windows computer. However, my old account is still linked and I cannot find for the life of me how to change it so I can login with my new account's email.

The 1Password SSH agent uses the SSH keys you have saved in 1Password to seamlessly integrate with your Git and SSH workflows. It authenticates your Git and SSH clients without those clients ever being able to read your private key.

In fact, your private key never even leaves the 1Password app. The SSH agent works with the SSH keys stored in 1Password, but never without your consent. Only SSH clients you explicitly authorize will be able to use your SSH keys until 1Password locks.

Any key meeting these requirements will automatically be available in the SSH agent for authentication.You will still be required to explicitly authorize any request an SSH client makes to use your keys.

After we enter the login credentials and get to the landing page of the virtual desktop, we click on a virtual desktop and the remote session starts. Right after starting, we are again prompted to enter the password (the username/email is prefilled already). As I always use 1Password to drag & drop or the Type in window feature to key in the password, the password ends up in the username field instead of to the password field. In the Old version of the web client of remote desktop, on drag and drop, the password would get filled currently in the password field itself (probably because the cursor was already on the password field). But with the new Beta feature, drag and drop always keys in the password to the username field. I then need to manually place the cursor on the password and then jump to 1Password in order to key in the password.

KeePass is very rudimentary, in it that it lacks many of the modern capabilities. Windows Hello was one of the things I missed, as mostly everything else I have supports Windows Hello-based authentication. Browser support was poor at best and I could never get it to work reliably so I just gave up and used the rich client.

This is the best version of 1Password for Windows ever released and we're not even close to being finished. Please join us on this journey to make 1Password for Windows _even_ better by sharing your feedback in the forum, or by getting in touch at support@1password.com, @1Password on Twitter, and Facebook. Thank you!

If you need us, you can find us at @1Password on Twitter or on Facebook at facebook.com/1Password. If you have questions or need support, just pop on over to support.1password.com and we'll point you in the right direction.

Happy New Year!Today's update fixes a number of issues reported by our customers after installing 1Password 6.8 stable update. Thank you for reporting them!If you need us, you can find us at @1Password on Twitter or on Facebook at facebook.com/1Password. If you have questions or need support, just pop on over to support.1password.com and we'll point you in the right direction.

I have a Premium account and just set up 2-factor authentication on my Evernote account. When the site displayed the QR code, I scanned it using the 1password browser extension and it auto-entered the produced code successfully. I then went to test the 2-factor auth by signing out of the Evernote website and signing back in. I entered my password successfully. Then when the site asked for the 2-factor auth code, "Enter the code displayed in your Google authenticator app," 1passworded auto-filled the code. When I pressed "Sign in" this message appeared "The code you entered is not valid" and I had to request a text code to complete login.

i use 1password for the TOTP code for Evernote and it works fine. Sometimes the code expires before i can click on the enter button ? Each code is only valid for 30s and is generated from a hash of the current time (in Unix time). This should make it time zone independent (with the possible exception of when you're using Windows, which treats time zones differently from every other operating system i know of)

Next, I attempted to import my existing data. The online help directed me to a community-built perl script and a pdf at -utilities. I went through the perl script maze and ended up with a 1pif file in the end, which I was to import into the main program. 1pif is some form of intermediate proprietary import/export format. All that remained was importing it into 1password. To my astonishment, there was no import button to be found. Not even the File menu at which the Import button is supposed to be located according to the PDF was available. The app is almost completely left of buttons and menus. I tried inputting data manually, but the fancy modern UI is not exactly user friendly so I gave that up. Inputting 200+ entries manually at the pace the UI allowed was out of the question. There may be a hidden import function there somewhere, but I was unable to find it.

Great article. After all and 9 months later is there any preferable password manager matching the above requirements?

A recent review ranks available at -vs-lastpass-vs-1password-vs-roboform-vs-keepass/

None of them is any perfect still what would be one of the better ones?

Any update on the matter would be useful to many!


This tool has been an integral component in our development process, allowing us to move much more quickly than ever before. Once our types are defined in Rust, we are able to immediately generate equivalent types in our client-side languages. This allows our devs to focus on solving problems without having to hand-roll boilerplate code to communicate over the FFI.

I'm not sure what you are asking exactly. OpenSSH for Windows (server and client) are separate components which can be installed and used as application/service. While we do have the possibility to incorporate external applications (for the client) similar to PuTTY, it's not the same as implementing a component with "managed" development APIs, such as Rebex, for example. As far as I know, there are currently no managed API bindings which would make it hard to use in an application such as Royal TS. I'm wondering what you would expect from such an integration or what is missing the current components we're using. Can you elaborate?

If the 1Password website were somehow already compromised when I created an account, couldn't an attacker have the info they need from me now to decrypt my data, or am I missing something? It seems like it'd be better if some of this were done from a client-side app (assuming an attacker hadn't compromised that I suppose).

Having said all that, the problem of 'initial trust' is difficult to solve. Generating an asymmetric key on your trusted device (say, your phone) and sharing one half of it with 1password to use as an encryption key while your device performs all the cryptography functions would be much safer, but would limit you to using your phone to interact with the service, and would depend on the strength of your phone's security (e.g. Samsung/Knox is the only trusted platform for most banks).

But, the fact remains that users inherently do not trust 1Password's servers with their secrets. This is why they use 1Password in the first place. They rely on 1Password's "zero knowledge" solution to encrypt their secrets on the client side, so that these secrets never reach 1Password's servers. Yet, ironically, these users rely on these same servers that they do not trust, to serve them secure crypto code that does the above. It's the 'browser crypto chicken and egg problem' in action.

If you use a malicious/compromised client, then all bets are off. And that would include a malicious web client. Unfortunately it is harder to protect the web client than the native clients. Native clients are codesigned and verified by the operating systems. Secondly, the delivery of a malicious web client can be very finely targeted and transient, thus making detection much harder.

Use this article for help exporting data from 1Password and importing into Bitwarden. 1Password data exports are available as .1pux (requires 1Password v8.5+), .1pif, and .csv files depending on which client version and operating system you are using. ff782bc1db

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