
The Patriot Figure Skating Club is a U.S. Figure Skating member club chartered in 2011. We are dedicated to the promotion, instruction, practice, and advancement of recreational and competitive figure skating. Patriot FSC membership includes male and female skaters of all ages from Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Our skaters practice and compete in all disciplines of skating: singles, pairs, ice dancing, and synchronized. If you are new to Figure Skating keep scrolling and below you will find some information about where to find us, our board of dierectors and the differenced between a figure skating club and the Ice Rink we reside. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. e-mail: patriotfsc@gmail.com 


Patriot FSC is conveniently located in a state-of-the-art facilities along the I-95 corridor near Philadelphia.

Location: The Patriot Ice Center 

101 John F. Campbell Rd, Newark, DELAWARE,  19711

The "PIC" is approximately 33 miles South of the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) adjacent to Newark, Delaware's bustling Main Street businesses and urban development.

Board of Directors

2024-2025 Board of DirectorsPresident:  Danielle BrowningVice-President: Pamela WoodwardTreasurer: Melissa WortmanSecretary: Emma Cary
  1. Membership
Chair:  Pamela Woodward
  1. Competition
Chair:  Elma Souder
  1. *U.S. Figure Skating Testing
Chair: Elma Souder
  1.  Safe Sport
Chair:  Renee Tyre
  1. *Events/Fundraising
Jessica Rayser

Junior Board

2022-2023 Junior Board of DirectorsPresident:  President: Niva NeeriemerVice-Secretary: Ashley Liu
  1. Volunteering
Chair: Hannah Lee
  1. Events/Fundraising 
     Brook Luttrell     Elaine Guo


We would love to introduce the Patriot Figure Skating Club to you and your family.  We know figure skating is a completely different sporting environment than most and we thought it may be helpful to explain what the Club actually is, our role in the Patriot Ice Center and the figure skating journey, and why membership in the Club is important.

When your child begins skating at the Patriot Ice Center in the Learn to Skate and/or ASPIRE programs, a membership in Learn to Skate USA is required.  This allows your child a beginner-level membership into U.S. Figure Skating while participating in group lessons. This also allows them to compete in the basic levels of any figure skating competition. If your child would like to continue their skating journey after Learn to Skate and/or ASPIRE with private lessons/Skate Academy, a membership in a Figure Skating Club will be necessary.  This is where the Patriot Figure Skating Club will come in. The club and the ice rink are two separate entities and the fees for ASPIRA and SKATE ACADAMY are not paid to the club, but to the rink. The membership to the club will allow you to acomplish what will be explained below. 0

Why is a Club membership recommended and at some point, required? 

Once your skater is ready to take any U.S. Figure Skating tests or compete beyond the basic levels, U.S. Figure Skating requires them to hold a Club membership.  We have several membership categories to choose from, but the one that will apply the most to your skater would be the Introductory Membership.  This is the perfect transitional membership from Learn to Skate USA to full home Club membership.  It is $65.00 for the year and you are able to use the same Learn to Skate membership number.  Once you have your membership, your skater will be eligible to participate in skating competitions outside the basic levels, test sessions, and Club events like skating clinics, held once a month on Tuesday evenings and are free for all Club members, and free admission to our annual Club banquet (taking place this year after our annual Ice Show).  You will also receive discounts on Club test sessions and certain discounts on programing at the Patriot Ice Center.  Your skater can also purchase Club merchandise, such as our black PFSC skating jackets you may have seen around the rink and other PFSC gear like vests, sweatshirts, sweatpants and more.

How does my Skater join the Patriot Figure Skating Club?

Joining the Club is easy and can be done online at https://www.patriotfsc.org

Click Memberships and you’ll see that Club membership follows the U.S. Figure Skating season of July 1-June 30th.  Scroll down until you see How to Apply/Renew Club Membership and click that link and then select Apply for Membership.  We also offer a Parent Membership for $30 which is completely optional but does allow for free entry to our Club banquet and voting rights on any Club votes sent out to membership.  Memberships will need to be renewed each year ahead of the July 1st new season. 

Don’t we just get membership through the Patriot Ice Center or the Patriot Ice Center Programs like Skating Academy or the Show?

No.  The Club membership is completely separate from the Patriot Ice Center and any PIC Programming.  The only way to be a Club member is to join through our website.  The Patriot Figure Skating Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  All proceeds from membership, competition, fundraising efforts like bake sales, flower sales go right back into the program to benefit our skaters.  Our Board of Directors is completely volunteer run and we make all decisions based off what will benefit our skaters and Club the most. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at patriotfsc@gmail.com anytime. The Board is made up of parents of figure skaters and adult skaters so we have all gone through the progression from Learn to Skate to private lessons and Skating Academy.  Wishing your skater all the best on their journey!

          Patriot Figure Skating Club