
Ordering Information

Want to give a shout out to your special student? Recognition ads are available for purchase by March 29th, 2024! Plus every yearbook gets 2 FREE custom pages!

Click the "Order Now" button or scan the QR code to visit TreeRing's website. When prompted to enter the passcode, use the following information. Deadline to order is April 19th!

Use School Passcode: 101502462275974 

Yearbook Pre-order Form_ApprovedKK8.14.2023.pdf

Payment Plan Available

For the first time, we are providing flexible yearbook payment options for the PES community! If you are interested in paying for the yearbook in installments, complete the payment form and return it to Patrick Elementary!

Cover Contest

All entries were due to your child's teacher or the front office on February 20, 2024. Order this year's yearbook to see the winning artwork!