
Does Unbundling Policy Authority Improve Accountability? (with Dimitri Landa) (The Journal of Politics, volume 80, number 3, 2018) [Supplemental Appendix]

Popular Referendum and Electoral Accountability (Journal of the European Political Science Association (Political Science Research and Methods), volume 6, number 4, 2018) [Supplemental Appendix]

Increasing Leverage: Judicial Review as a Democracy-Enhancing Institution (with Nicholas Almendares) (Quarterly Journal of Political Science, volume 10, number 3, 2015) [Supplemental Appendix]

Working papers

Representative Democracy, Counter-majoritarian Rulings and Attitudes towards Constitutional Courts - Experimental evidence on the effects of Court rulings in France (with Sylvain Brouard and Christoph Hönnige)

Who Gets the Credit? News-Gathering Competition and Political Accountability (with Catherine Hafer and Dimitri Landa)

Breaking News: Media Competition and Political Polarization (with Catherine Hafer and Dimitri Landa)

Oversight and Hierarchies (with Dimitri Landa)

Crosscutting Cleavages and Political Conflict (with Dimitri Landa and Sanford Gordon)

Work in Progress

Multiple policy fields and the polarisation of information acquisition

False Statements and Fake News (with Catherine Hafer and Dimitri Landa)

Multiple Policy Fields and the Economic Vote (with Raymond Duch and Dimitri Landa)

Accountability traps and the Power of Special Interests (with Dimitri Landa)

Experiments on Accountability Traps (with Raymond Duch and Dimitri Landa)

Other Publications

Principal/Agent (with Sylvain Brouard) (in Laurie Boussaguet et al., Dictionnaire des poli- tiques publiques, Presses de Sciences Po)

Economie politique (with Sylvain Brouard) (in Laurie Boussaguet et al., Dictionnaire des politiques publiques, Presses de Sciences Po)