
Published Papers

Reilly, P., Williams, K. & Das, M. (2024) The effects of Title IX enforcement on sexual assaults on college campuses. Contemporary Economic Policy, 1–17. Available from:

Reilly, P., Solow, J. L., & von Allmen, P. (2023). When the Stars Are Out: The Impact of Missed Games on NBA Television Audiences. Journal of Sports Economics. 24(7). 

Reilly, P. (2020). The Effects of Credit on High School Graduation: Evidence from U.S. Bank Branching Deregulation. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 75.

Reilly, P. (2020). Credit Towards Graduation: The Impact of US Bank Deregulation on Human Capital Accumulation. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 51.  

Working Papers 

"Horizontal Product Differentiation in Higher Education Markets and Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Changes" (with Brad R. Humphreys), under review.

"Within-Game Uncertainty of Outcome and the Demand for Professional Basketball on Television" (with John Solow and Peter von Allmen), under review.

"Product Market Competition and Financial Constraints: Evidence from Higher Education" (with Mary Becker and Zach McGurk), under review.

"Effects of the Women's National Basketball Association on High School Sport and College Enrollment" (with Zachary Rodriguez), under review.