Patricia Breuer

About me

I am an Assistant Professor of Accounting at the Erasmus School of Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam and a Research Fellow of TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency. In my research, I investigate the impact of financial and environmental reporting regulations on economic activity.  

Research Interests


Dr. rer. pol. in Accounting, University of Mannheim - 2023
Visiting Ph.D. student, University of Chicago Booth School of Business - 2021/22   
M.Sc. in Business Administration, Ludwig-Maximilians-University - 2017
B.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration, Eberhard Karls University - 2014

Link to my CV 



Mandatory disclosure would reveal corporate carbon damages
with Michael Greenstone & Christian Leuz, Science (2023)

Working Papers

Financial information and firm heterogeneity
Job Market Paper

Transparency regulation and reallocation
with Matthias Breuer
Best Conference Paper Award 2022 (VHB Annual Conference) 

Disclosures of expected credit losses around the beginning of a crisis: Evidence from European banks during the Covid-19 pandemic
with Jannis Bischof & Vincent Giese

Work in Progress

Estimating carbon emissions
with Michael Greenstone, Christian Leuz & Ian Pitman

ESG assurance and labor demand
with Daniela Zipperer

Link to my Research