Research Projects and Working Papers

Project: Rohingya Journeys of Violence and Resilience in Bangladesh and its Neighbours (2020-2021)

Further information here.

Working Papers:

  • Resisting Genocide in Myanmar: Everyday resistance narratives of Rohingyas with Bayes Ahmed and Peter Sammonds.

  • Are Rohingya Refugees Protected in Non-Signatory Countries? with Bayes Ahmed and Peter Sammonds.

Book Project: Reuniting refugee families in Latin America: law, policies and practices

This book explains how the right to family reunification for refugees developed in Latin America law and practice. Publication contract signed with McGill-Queen’s Refugee and Forced Migration Studies Series. McGill-Queen’s University Press. (Montreal)

Project: The Family Reunification of Refugees in Brazil

Working Papers:

  • Controlling the family: the impact of Brazilian consular authorities on family reunification of refugees

  • Refugee Status Determination and the role of diplomats: Evidence from Brazil

  • The impact of institutional change in migration policies: the case of family reunification for refugees in Brazil

Project Migration and Asylum Policy in Brazil

Working Papers:

  • Brazil's Policies Towards Refugees: an Example of Humanitarianism? with Liliana Jubilut (UNISANTOS)

  • Determinants of Local Migration Policies: Evidence from Brazil

  • Conducting Ethical Research with refugees in the Global South: experiences from Brazil

Project: Refugees and the covid-19 pandemic in Brazil (2020-2022)

Working Papers:

  • Solidarity in the time of covid-19: refugee experiences in Brazil.

Project: Children and International Relations

Working Papers:

  • Anchor babies and refugee children: Childhoods and global migration politics.