Patricia McTiernan, MS
I am a writer/editor in the Greater Boston area with a background in health and medical writing and communications. This is my virtual resume and repository of selected work samples.
Former Director of Program Communications for a nonprofit in the health care sector
Previously served as Managing Editor and Director of Corporate Communications for an academic medical center in Greater Boston
Experience in print and web content creation and management
Master's degree in health communication
Download my complete resume.
Links to Selected Work
Braces at 62? It's True. NextAvenue (April 2024)
Massachusetts Doesn't Need Happy Hours, CommonWealth Magazine (October 2021)
The Ultimate in Patient Empowerment: Advance Care Planning, (March 2021)
Innovation During a Public Health Crisis, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (April 2020)
As Home Care Expands, Let’s Make It Safer for Everyone, Health Affairs (March 2019)
The Patient's Voice in Action, National Patient Safety Foundation (October 2016)
Transparency Between Patients and Providers: A Necessary Step to Safer Care, Inside Medical Liability (November 2015)
Beyond Diagnosis: How Pathology Is Getting Personal, Lahey Clinic Magazine (Summer 2009)
Complementary Therapies and Cancer, Arlington Advocate (February 2009)
Cushing's Syndrome: Hormonal Havoc, Lahey Magazine (Spring/Summer 2008)
Suspecting Celiac Disease, Lahey Clinic Magazine (Spring/Summer 2008)