Patients-not just Images

Devoted to Education and Practice in Patient-centered Radiology

Chairman's Corner


Ravi Ramakantan

“Sunday?” - that was the startled exclamation from the resident.

“You really mean you want me to do these routine procedures on a Sunday” is what seemed to go through the resident’s mind.

Maybe 10 years back I would have said “Why not? What’s wrong with a Sunday”; but, time had taught never to take residents for granted; so I gladly agreed to a rescheduled appointment on a weekday!.

As I ponder the last 25 years, I think of all the crazy things that we used to do in the department on Sundays. There was always the routine stuff – indexing patient records, following up patients, a visit to the PM room, petrous tomograms and so forth.

There were the other routine stuff; arranging and stock-taking of catheters in 53 – planning and pondering what to order. There were times were whole Sundays were spent in indexing and arranging teaching files only to have to redo it several Sundays later.

There was a period of time, when for several straight weeks, we would do barium follow throughs on Sundays – 20 at one go – because there was such a massive backlog!!

Of course, all these were initiated with a “double omelette” at the corner Irani hotel (where the Aditi restaurant now stands) and interspersed with interminable cups of tea from a variety of places.

So when lecturers tell me “What’s the point - we have nothing to do while on call” – I have only told, them, that doing more of the same is not academic radiology is all about. If you continue to do “more of the same”, you are not doing your job as a radiologist in a teaching hospital - because at sometime someone else is supposed to take over and you are expected to move ahead in academic life. We cannot and should not live life for ourselves when we are in academic radiology. If the truthful answer to “What will I leave behind if I leave tomorrow/” is zilch - if the things that you are doing today cannot continue if you are not there tomorrow, you have wasted your time here.

Back to Sundays. It is a day to catch up – on patient care, research and reading. When you are a resident or a junior faculty – there are no Sundays – only one more weekday –last or first – is as you like it. And why is that so? - simply because at that young age you are so full of energy that there is no time to stand and stare. How much “more” you can do entirely depends on how interested you are in doing things. If you want to be a path breaker – a path maker – Sundays are the day for you.

After all, letting go of the “holiday” 150 Sundays in a lifetime cannot be a big deal. What you gain by making the best use of them will stay with you forever - even as you leave it behind for others to savour and reminisce.

Maybe, the next time I ask for an appointment for a routine patient on a Sunday, there won’t be a startled response – only a cool calculated statement – Why don’t you do it yourself – maybe you can even add it your story of Sunday exploits

June 2007