Patients-not just Images

Devoted to Education and Practice in Patient-centered Radiology

Chairman's Corner

A Hundred Hellos !

Ravi Ramakantan

It has been 10 years since I retired from KEM.

During this time, I have been to the college several times a year - mostly confining my visits to the Main Lecture Theatre for .. ‘one more lecture’.

At these times, I have rarely ventured into the hospital for more than a couple of minutes, the urge to revisit 40 years of KEM life often overpowers me.

Today was different.

I had an hour to kill before the event I had come to attend,

And so, I started walking my way .. through a score of greetings from the office staff “Sir, how are you?”

A few small pleanstaries here and there and the...

First stop - Canteen .

I was greeted warmly, by Anni. the good old canteen boy.. now turned a manager.

“Medium strong filter coffee without sugar...” he blurted out first before I could.

Only this time, as often has happened in the past 10 years, Anni refused to charge .. in a long series of One more Coffee - fukkatka “Sir, how can take money from you?”

As I stood outside the canteen sipping coffee at the katta, .. a host of people passing by.. recognised me and I was in a stream of ..

“Hello.. I am fine”.

Some of these faces were readily familiar, though - often, their names escaped my ageing memory. A few handshakes here and there, I left on a tour of the hospital..

What struck me immediately was that the crowds had swelled many fold in the past decade and the queues outside wards and OPDss seemed unending.

I saw a whole lot of relatives of patients occupying the vast and long corridors.. catching quick naps from sleep lost over caring for their beloved ones.

I wondered how in the world did patients bear such difficult circumstances and seek treatment in our public hospitals.

We must be doing something right..

I walked my way through the very familiar backroads.. , the front -inbetween wards -- green spaces .. now with camps of patient’s relatives .

What did I miss in my flash tour...?

The white coats!

You see.. all these streams of Hellos - with rare exceptions- were from non-medical folks, a few sisters, the occasional technician.. The peon outside the Dean’s office.

.As I wound my way through the unending lengths of corridors - past OPDs and wards, I did not see the swarm of medical students , the streams who hog the corridors.. unmindful of…

I wondered why..

I then entered the main lecture theatre were the proceedings were just beginning and rather than listen to the speakers I was lost in memories of a few inspired colleagues and I had done to equip the MLT with bare necessities.

I left soon after.. And the last person to greet me on the way out was a former colleague of mine who insisted that he see me off in a cab across the street.

The intense oneness I feel with my alma mater is very difficult to express words..

The events of the past, the transformed places of the present and the new generation linking the two make you feel “Everything has changed.. everything looks different……”

But each corridor corner reminded me of a story, an event, a conversation- about a puzzling patient’s story, the students’ clinics, , the difficult Deans and of course, of opportunities lost.

The 40 joyful years from the past that I had spent in GS and KEM.. are a slice of life that I sorely miss in the present.

December 2018