Medical Department


The Medical Department is Pathos' primary source of medical care, be it physical or psychological, applied to both human personnel and anomalies alike. You're likely to find medical personnel roaming site, healing any injured personnel with the several tools extended to them to fulfil this task, as part of the highly intricate and realistic healing system that Pathos has developed. Another common task they frequently engage in is performing standard evaluations, most often on Security Class 0 personnel, as receiving a check-up is part of the criteria to obtain Security Class 1. But the Medical Department has so much more to offer beside these two seemingly mundane tasks. There is a plethora of interesting duties accessible to medical personnel, ranging from Class-D interviews and electroconvulsive therapies to conducting check-ups on SCP-682 and interviewing SCP-049. The Medical Department utilises a so-called specialization system, which means that depending on the path you choose, your duties will be vastly different.

Members of the Medical Department are not obligated to choose a specialization to join, though it is important to note that being in a specialization is a promotional requirement to join the Department's junior command and upward. Whilst many duties are restricted solely to the specializations, there are a handful of general activities accessible for everyone with the appropriate rank to host. You can interview  members of the Security Department or hold a medical questionnaire, or perhaps you'd rather stick to hosting the classic standard evaluation. Whatever floats your boat, the Medical Department has to offer. To see all the duties that medical personnel are responsible for, and to learn more about the Department, check out the Medical Department's Handbook.


The SCP specialization is one of the Medical Department's two specializations that members may choose from. Personnel who are a part of this specialization are tasked with ensuring the complete physical wellbeing of various sentient anomalies contained within Pathos, including both the safe-classed anomalies like SCP-999 and SCP-131, as well as more dangerous ones such as SCP-682 and SCP-457, and of course the many instances of SCP-1048. Members who are new to the SCP specialization are permitted to conduct evaluations and host interviews with varying sentient anomalies, in accordance with their own title. Those who are well versed within the specialization may host seminars or even choose to conduct medical research relevant to the study of anomalies.


The Psychology specialization is the second specialization open for personnel of the Medical Department to join. Members of this specialization are tasked with ensuring the upkeep of all staff's mental health on site, via psychological evaluations and therapy sessions among other methods. Those with more experienced within this specialization are granted the ability to host therapy sessions with a selected few anomalies, including SCP-457 or SCP-682. The Psychology specialization is also responsible for conducting voluntary, and even compulsory observations, and if need be they are authorised to perform electroconvulsive therapies.


The most important and valued asset that the Medical Department has to offer is its community, which is known to be among the most welcoming, accepting and friendly communities in Pathos. Members of the Command Team regularly host gamenights and make a great effort to keep the Department continuously engaging and entertaining for its members, new and old. The Doctor of the Month programme is another rewarding community perk that serves to acknowledge and award members who have shown exceptional effort and dedication to the Medical Department in their work and community engagement. The Medical Department accepts everyone with open arms, and we in the Medical Department Command Team look forward to welcoming you into our Department. We hope that your stay will come to be enjoyable.


Upon obtaining Security Class 1 clearance and reading our public handbook, anyone is free to apply to the Medical Department and begin their career in keeping the people of Pathos-III healthy! Once you’ve passed the Medical Department application you’ll be accepted into the group as a Medical Student and given two weeks to achieve four basic tasks. These tasks are simple and include attending a Medical Student Orientation, being in the department for three days, acquiring 12 points, and lastly attending the promotional training to become a Nurse. Following the completion of all aforementioned tasks, you’ll be ranked as a Nurse, a fully fledged member of the Medical Department!



Medical Director

Medical Board


