I used netdiscover and works perfectly. Out of curiosity I wanted to see on wireshark how the scan happens. What amazed me was requests are sent from completely another IP address which is not even in the network. My sender IP address in wireshark is If you look at the first request to my router, thats the only request sent using my ip address, i.e

netdiscover forges ARP packets, and one of the fields of an ARP packet is the source address. To ensure that the packet appears to be from a host on the current targeted subnet, netdiscover chooses an source address ending in 67 (not really sure why 67 was chosen). It's not actually changing the address of your adapter, it's just the content of the crafted packet.

Netdiscover Mib Oid

Download File 🔥 https://urlgoal.com/2xZnG9 🔥

Netdiscover does not seem to find the IP addresses of the target machines (using sudo netdiscover -r The only IP's returned are the VMWare virtual network cards. However, when I simply ping the IP, or use NMAP, I find that the host is up and responding (I am able to find the IP by logging into the target directly and using ifconfig, but obviously in a real pen test you cannot do that).

I am stuck on the zenmap and netdiscover. I use seperate laptop with Kali as the only OS on it and with wireless adapter (Atheros AR9271 recommened by Zahid).

I have another laptop, phones and tablet connected to the same WiFi network as Kali machine but using both netdiscover and zenmap I still cannot see any of the devices except the Kali one.

Your best bet is to use the -P or -L switches(to produce an output suitable to be redirected into a file) as described in man netdiscover ... But, then you will lose the repeated screen headers and only one header is printed at the top of the file ... So, you can't e.g. process the text into blocks based on the header ... Sure, you can then e.g. combine the output of both head to print the first N lines and tail to print the last N lines like for examble:

I am following the write-up for kioptrix-level-1. I have downloaded the VM and its running under VMWare Player. As the first step indicates there, I am running the netdiscover command. The ifocnfig command output for my kaliLinux is as follows.

Netdiscover is an ultimate scanning tools used to get the internal IP address and MAC address of live hosts in the network. Netdiscover is preinstalled tool in Kali Linux, if you are using Kali Linux then you dont need to install netdiscover. No doubt nmap is best tool for scanning network but Netdiscover is also good tool for finding Internal IP address and MAC address. So this tool is continuously exit on Kali Linux repository, before it was in backtrack repository as well.

Netdiscover is a very attractive tool for discovering hosts on wired or wireless network. It can be used in both active and passive mode. 

 Inactive Mode it send requests to hosts for getting information but in otherhand it is working in silent mode called passive mode or listening mode. To start and check for available options in netdiscover run following command.

When running netdiscover on my home network, my iPod Touch (identified by DHCP-reserved IP address and MAC address) responded to both its own IP address on our 10.x.x.x subnet and to also. Why would this have happened?

When I do the netdiscover command from the Kali machine (IP -, I get the following 4 following IPs discovered. It can be seen in the image attached. I know that the IP is the gateway and the is the Metasploitable2 machine, but what are the other 2 IPs?

The netdiscover is a tool which is used to gather all the important information about the network. It gathers information about the connected clients and the router. As for the connected clients, we'll be able to know their IP, MAC address and the operating system, as well as the ports that they have open in their devices. As for the router, it will help us to know the manufacturer of the router. Then we'll be able to look for vulnerabilities that we can use against the clients or against the router if we are trying to hack them.

In the Network penetration testing, we used airodump-ng to discover all the connected clients to the network. In the second part of the airodump-ng output, we learned how we could see the associated clients and their MAC addresses. All these details we can get before we connect to the target access point. Now, after connecting to the network, we can gather much more detailed information about these devices. To do this task, there are a lot of programs, but we're going to talk about two programs. Now start with the simplest and quickest one, netdiscover.

The netdiscover is a quicker and simplest program to use, but it doesn't show very detailed information about the target clients. It'll only show us their IP address, their MAC address, and sometimes the hardware manufacturer. We're going to use it by typing netdiscover, then we are going to use -r, and then we are going to specify the range, which can be any range we want. Looking at the IP (which is tells us which network we are in. We want to discover all the clients that are in this network, so we're going to try and see if there is a device in Then we're going to try 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, up to 254, that's the end of the range. So, to specify a whole range, we can write /24. That means we want, and then this IP is just going to increase up to, which is the end of the IP range in the network. The command for this is as follows:

Ok what's up guy's. I've been slowly learning more and more about network reconnaissance. I am trying to find the best way to find others on the network. When I run "netdiscover -r -i wlan0", here are my results, netdiscover finds 3 hosts.

As you can see under the destination panel, there seems to be packet information headed for a Samsung Device, as well as Apple, I also seen "Hewlett-P" and Lexmark. I am just wondering why is netdiscover not showing all active hosts? Is it possible that there is some firewall blocking me from performing a host discovery ping scan? I also have scanned in the lower console of Armitage, and I get worse results there it will tell me only 1 host is active which is the Default Gateway IP.. So I am looking for a way to discover all hosts on the network for network recon. Thanks.

If you are using Kali Linux, you have it already available. Otherwise, if for example you are using Ubuntu, you can install it from package repositories by using apt-get install netdiscover . You can even download the latest release from

Does any one as a clue to solve this issue ? I'm kind of stuck when it comes to updating with pacman -Syu

It goes fine when i untag netdiscover from packages to update (thru discover)...



I just did as @jonathon said but sad to say i have to keep on digging !

Not that easy to get infos on that netdiscover ^[[)x24c

Dont know at all why it is needed!

Never mind, i'll find out...

Best to all


Documentation: -netdiscover.readthedocs.ioGitHub: -netdiscoverPyPI: -netdiscover/InstallationFirst, you will need to install the netdiscover binary on your system, this may depend on your operating system. Many distributions have this tool available in their main repository.

netdiscover/usr/bin/netdiscover/usr/sbin/netdiscover/usr/local/bin/netdiscover/sw/bin/netdiscover/opt/local/bin/netdiscoverIf netdiscovery is not present in any of the paths above, you can specifie path with the argument netdiscover_path on Discover class.

The passive mode of "netdiscover" ensures an "arp-scan" is done in a stealthy mode. In this mode, "netdiscover" does not send arp requests, it only sniffs the traffic and monitors the arp requests sent by other hosts on the local network. ARP request packets are sent to the broadcast address, hence, each host on the LAN receives the packet.

netdiscover is an active/passive arp reconnaissance tool, initialydeveloped to gain information about wireless networks without dhcpservers in wardriving scenarios. It can also be used on switchednetworks. Built on top of libnet and libpcap, it can passively detectonline hosts or search for them by sending arp requests.

The search service can find package by either name (apache),provides(webserver), absolute file names (/usr/bin/apache),binaries (gprof) or shared libraries (libXm.so.2) instandard path. It does not support multiple arguments yet... The System and Arch are optional added filters, for exampleSystem could be "redhat", "redhat-7.2", "mandrake" or "gnome", Arch could be "i386" or "src", etc. depending on your system. System Arch RPM resource netdiscoverNetdiscover is an active/passive address reconnaissance tool, mainly developedfor those wireless networks without dhcp server, when you are wardriving. Itcan be also used on hub/switched networks.Built on top of libnet and libpcap, it can passively detect online hosts, orsearch for them, by actively sending arp requests, it can also be used toinspect your network arp traffic, and find network addresses using auto scanmode, which will scan for common local networks.


I've been trying to make some experiments with some software avalaible on the opkg list.

I tried to install "netdiscover" but I didn't realise that the free space was so little.

So, of course the install failed... But the free space that was avalaible before was taken!

And "netdiscover" is not on the installed software list... So I lost my free space to nothing..

There must be some incomplete install somewhere.. But how can i free that space?


I apologize if this problem has already been treated and solved in another thread but I have not been able to find it, feel free to point me in the right direction.

My problem is that I can not import any devices by doing a fusoninventory-netdiscovery.

For test purpose I tried with a well-known printer but the same thing happens with any other device in my network

In the "Equipment ignored on import" page, I see that it fails on the "Global import denied" rule and also that the "Item Type" field is empty.

If I run the program from the command line I see that the "type" field correctly reports the value "Printer": be457b7860

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