Dear Ravi,

Your post of 1.11 PM. 

Thanks for the clarification.

I would like to sum up like this:

Mahaswami being a 

Matathipadhi had to take care

of all the four aspects viz.,

karma, bhakti, yoga and jnana.

He had to run a Math and also 

tour to kshetras.

People of different types came

to him. Many mothers asked 

when their daughters would get

married or how will they find

money for marriages. [Brahmin

marriages were quite expensive

those days, dowry being the

most fearsome thing, for the

girl's side]. He told them to

chant this sloka or that sloka

or do so many pradakshinas for

Kanchi Kamakshi etc., He also

helped them through some other

moneyed devotees. He had to 

necessarily take care of karma and bhakti aspects for devotees. Yoga,

I think, he did not speak much.

For people who want pure Jnanopadesam, he did give that too

but in some cases like Paul Brunton and Annamalai Swami - he directed

them to Sri Bhagavan. So he was 

the champion of all four margas.

In Sri Bhagavan's case, such request for blessing for daughter's marriage or how to overcome the poverty etc., were very few if not nil. People

came mainly for Jnana Upadesa and to know the way of Jnana Marga. That is why Westerners came to Him, because, He said Atma is common to all and no conversion of religion is necessary.

Thus He was primarily the champion

of Jnana marga.

In Srimatam it was not possible. No doubt people like Aldoux Huxley came to see Mahaswami. He spoke to them at length about advaita. But they could not sit with Hindus shoulder to shoulder and watch pujas and rituals.

I would like to mention two small things in my darshan of Mahaswami. After asking about my family, he asked me whether I had performed the marriage of all my 6 sisters, [all younger to me]. I said, appa also helped me and I put my share and did that. No doubt, huge loans were raised but these are all almost cleared. Then he looked at me, Pinna ennadaa! Unakku moksham thaan po! 'What else needed? For you it is only moksha. Go.' Thus, he attached highest importance to one's karmas. 

The other one was when I quoted Tirunavukkarasar's song as Sambandhar's song, when he asked me whether I know Tevaram. He corrected me. And briefly told me the stories of both the saints! This happened in the year 1986. 


Dear Ramprax, S., and Ravi,

I agree with what Ravi said, because, we have seen many temples

taken over by the HRCE board have become a treasure house for politicians. They take money because their own govt officer is the Chief Executive Officer of the Temple. They are doing what Moslem rulers were doing when they ruled India. So both SRK Math and Sri Ramanasramam had to utter some falsehood for expediency. 

Of course, Sri Ramanasramam has not got that kind of huge money

to enable some lower souls to plunder. 

S/. was asking whether the power of Sri Bhagavan's Presence might have diminished due to govt take over. Yes. Definitely. Imagine some MLAs and Chelas smoking cigarettes and playing cards in the Samadhi Hall or some other petty politicians closing the doors of Old Hall and drinking rum and brandy. Do you think that Sri Bhagavan's presence would be felt in such places? You may say that Sri Bhagavan is the Self and He is beyond all these. But what about the devotees? They are not Bhagavans. They may start feeling less of Grace and less of Presence in such places occupied by unwanted elements. 

Am IAS officer who is normally in charge of such temples as CEO

is a pawn under politicians and he cannot open his mouth.


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You are not alone in thinking it odd that Bhagavan made a will. Long ago I read that Prof. Radhakrishnan had said that he became convinced that Bhagavan was not a jnani when he read that had made a will.

Why shouldn't he make a will? He was not legally a sannyasi. The ashram that grew up around him had acquired property and possessions. Bhagavan needed to indicate in some way what should be done with them after he passed away. Any decision on these matters that did not come from Bhagavan himself would have been hotly contested by devotees after his mahasamadhi.

Incidentally, Bhagavan did not draft the will. That was done by a devotee who was a judge. The final draft was read to him, but I don't think he edited it in any way.

I spent time with both Nisargadatta Maharaj and Papaji in their final years. Both of them proactively took decisions that transferred property to their family members.

I spoke to Surendra (Papaji's son) about this after his father died.

He said, 'We could never initiate a discussion with my father on things like this. If we tried, he would just ignore us. But in the last few months of his life he would occasionally call me into his bedroom and tell me what decisions and provision he had made for family members. The younger members of the family, for example, were allocated money for their education. In my case, he bought the house in Narhi that we had all lived in for decades and gave it to me as a gift.'

In the 1930s Bhagavan declared himself to be 'ativarnasrami' in a court case that revolved around the ownership and management of the ashram. In reply to a question from one of the lawyers Bhagavan stated that an ativarnasrami could own and dispose of property. Making a will is clearly the most sensible and practical way of doing this.


Just now got the news that rA Ganapathi,The great devotee who had compiled 8 Volumes of Deivathin Kural-Talks of Kanchi MahAswami passed away on the sivaratri day.

I will just copy the news that I received here:

This is to inform our friends that Sri. Ra. Ganapathi has departed our world. The moment of his passing came around 7:30 PM on this auspicious Maha ShivaRatri evening. The family has stated that he was very conscious and aware at the moment of his passing. He started a japam as he started on his way.

He had been well aware of the forthcoming end for the last few days and has shared it with a few people close to him. As many of us are aware, he has written a number of books (over 35) and articles on Spiritual subjects. His career as we knew it, started with Jaya Jaya Shankara in 1962, which was published as a serial in the weekly, Kalki and was then published as a book. Over 10 in years in Kalki, and over another 25 years as a freelancer, he has written a number of books and articles touching on the life and words of Sri Kanchi Maha Periyava, as also Sri Satya Sai Baba, Sri ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Sri Saradamani (our Holy Mother), Swami Vivekanada and Bhakta Meerabai.

He was gifted in the area of music as well and some of his kritis and bhajans have been rendered by reknowned karnatak musicians. Sri Ganapathi never coveted any fame nor material possessions. A number of us have known him to never touch money and have watched his needs and legal obligations being miraculously met over and over for a number of years, long before he had acquired any name recognition.


This Great devotee lives on in and through his wonderful books written in his inimitable style.

Namaskar. be457b7860

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