Disguised as a stalker, Major Degtyarev explores newly-discovered territories within the center of the Zone (Zaton and Yanov) while looking for the crashed Stingray helicopters. Degtyarev's cover allows him to also work for various faction members within the zone, and get involved in factions conflicts. The Major discovers that most of the crashes were caused by strong jolts of electricity. While investigating the Stingray 3 wreck, Degtyarev finds out that the military had established evacuations points in the center of the Zone. Decrypting the Stingray 1 black box, Degtyarev learns that the survivors headed for evacuation point B28 in the city of Pripyat waiting for evacuation. However, the city of Pripyat is sealed and is only accessible through the Jupiter Underground. He forms a team consisting of Zulu - an ex-Duty member, and any number of the following candidates: Vano - a loner, Strider - a Monolith deserter and Lieutenant Sokolov - the sole survivor and co-pilot of Stingray 4, and also the only surviving soldier not in Pripyat. With the help of the local technician called Nitro, they finally get into the tunnel leading to Pripyat. The tunnel is full of deadly gas and mutants, and they're ambushed by the Monolith just before getting out of it.

Several factions reside in the Zone: Loners, Bandits, Mercenaries, Scientists, Zombified Stalkers, Military, Monolith, Duty, and Freedom, the two latter ones being ideologically motivated; control and anarchy, respectively. Despite the Yanov station cease-fire, fights will occasionally break out outside designated Safe Zones. At some certain spots of Zaton and Jupiter groups of Mercenaries, both neutral and hostile to the player, appear. The player's relations to the factions are commonly neutral. However, Zombified Stalkers and Monoliths are hostile towards all characters.

STALKER - Call Of Pripyat Download

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The game takes place soon after the events of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. After Strelok disables the Brain Scorcher, multitudes of stalkers rush to the centre of the Zone, hoping to find rare artifacts and other rumoured treasures. The government of Ukraine takes advantage of this gold-rush and launches "Operation Fairway," a large scale helicopter special recon mission intended to scout the area by air in preparation for a full-scale military assault on the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Despite thorough preparations, the mission goes horribly wrong, and all five STINGRAY helicopters crash. The player, Major Alexander Degtyarev, an experienced stalker and SBU agent, is sent into the Zone to investigate the crash sites on behalf of the Army.

During the course of his investigation, Degtyarev learns that the helicopters were disabled in the air by powerful shocks of electricity. He also confirms via a helicopter black box that the military survivors have gone to an evacuation point somewhere in Pripyat. However, the city is sealed off due to The Zone's environment. The Major eventually finds an underground passageway to Pripyat and gathers a small team of stalkers to help him traverse this tunnel. After fighting through mutants and the mysterious Monolith faction, they reach the abandoned city and link up with the military survivors from the helicopter crashes.

The game has a Limited Special Edition, released only in Germany, that features an A3-sized map of the Zone, 2 faction patches, a stalker bandanna and a "stalker" lighter, as well as the metal case in which the game is included. Also another Special Edition, released in the rest of Europe, that includes Art Cards, an A2-sized map of the Zone and the Soundtrack CD, was released. In North American territories, a Collector's Edition has been released, containing a smaller version of the Zone's map, a tech-tree poster and stickers. Call of Pripyat is also available through multiple digital distribution outlets.

In-game, it has become a legend among stalkers, as it's rumored to be full of artifacts, and to be the only way to the heart of the Zone - Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant - where the legendary Wish Granter is located. However, with the apparition of the Zone in 2006, the Brain Scorcher psy-emitter broadcasting from four long-range antennas in the nearby Red Forest located to the south of the city made Pripyat completely inaccessible. Up until the last installment of the series (Call of Pripyat), this city is exclusively populated by the ruthless Monolith faction, which is hostile to literally all other inhabitants of the entire Zone.

After the Brain Scorcher is disabled by Strelok, almost all of the Zone's factions rushed through the abandoned city hoping to reach the Sarcophagus inside the CNPP, which is also the location of the legendary Wish Granter. As such, by the time Strelok reaches the city, Pripyat had already become the theater of a large battle between the various factions that made their way through the Red Forest, including Loners, Freedom, Duty, elite Military stalkers, and Mercenaries. These factions then come into conflict with the Monolith forces defending the city or start fighting each other (such as Duty and Freedom, who are regularly in firefights throughout the city), and can be sometimes also seen fighting in front of the Stadium, which is the final and the northernmost part of the level and serves as the entrance to the CNPP. The Stadium can be traversed exclusively by the player (Strelok) himself, since all other faction's members literally always step into one of multiple gravitational anomalies (common Springboards and the especially dangerous Whirligigs - the ones which there also feature far the greatest vacuuming range of all other Whirligigs encountered in-game) located in the center of the Stadium.

If still using the original/pre-patched version of the game (2007 edition - now very rare, since it is not available on Steam) Pripyat is the first and the only place where the regular Exoskeleton can be found (another can be found later, in basement of Sarcophagus, however, it is a unique and upgraded version). It can be obtained via stash called Fang's goodies (together with very rare and valuable Mama's Beads artifact), which can be only obtained from randomly named dead Loner from Yantar's tunnels, upon exiting X16 after completing the main task regarding important documents there.

In contrast to the sequel Call of Pripyat, the Pripyat in Shadow of Chernobyl is much less realistically recreated. Despite featuring many immediately recognizable elements, like the iconic 26-metre Ferris Wheel, Lenin Square, along with Palace of culture ''Energetik'' and so on, it features many fictional and erroneously depicted buildings or structures, which are either relocated from the ones in real-life or are non-existing. For insistence, the Pripyat level mostly features distinctive buildings with house-alike, double-sloped (A-shaped) roofing, which are not found anywhere in real-life Pripyat (apart from Laundromat, as the sole exception). These buildings were actually taken directly from Dead City - a previous map which was cut by developers prior to the release of the game in 2007 and which existed before the modelling of Pripyat level, which replaced it in the final version.

It is also depicted lacking roof sections of the few of its gondolas, while in reality, none of the gondolas currently lack their rooftops. It is also portrayed as being right behind the Hotel ''Polissya'' and straight east of the Palace of culture ''Energetik'', while it is actually located further south of the palace and north-west of the Hotel. Interestingly, the developers never included the second-famous landmark of Pripyat's amusement park - the well-know bumper car site (the ''Avtodrom''), but only the Ferris Wheel together with characteristic Swing boats (the ''Russian swing''), which are erroneously located to the west instead of east of the Wheel itself. The distinctive paratrooper ride called ''Romashka'' (located in-between of the Swings boats and the Autodrome in real-life) was also left-out in game.

The Hotel is guarded by a few Monolith stalkers, including one on the rooftop wielding a Gauss gun, that will start targeting the player immediately as he leaves the underground car park. There is however, one useful trick regarding all the roof-positioned Monolithians armed with Gauss rifles in Pripyat, that can be out of benefit - if the player does not continue through the other end of the underground garage (after splitting up with group of expert Loners), but chooses to go back from where he entered instead (near the Kindergarten), none of these Gauss-armed Monolithians on rooftops will actually spawn, since their spawn is triggered exclusively via exiting the garage on the other end (the one in front of the Hotel).

For some reason, the Polissiya hotel is represented severely erroneous in-game, by lacking the distinctive upper structure with Cyrillic inscription '' '' (Hotel Polissya), which originally featured a restaurant together with an open, sloped-roof lookout at the frontal end. Instead, it is for some reason, recreated only with main structure of the building (as seen to the photo on the upper-right). Call of Pripyat corrected this, however, as the Hotel is located out of playable area and thus lacks inscription on the roof. Also, this location is portrayed with inferior graphics (textures), despite being realistically recreated.

The large opera room in the back of the building contains a large trash-improvised structure in the middle (whose exact purpose is explained yet in Call of Pripyat), around which the various rare and expensive Artifacts are scattered (including two very rare and highly valuable Night Stars, along with a Battery and Kolobok) and six praying Monolithians positioned in a circle around it (the so-called "preachers" will continue to sit around in the ritual, even after spotting the player and even after getting shot, in most cases). The basement of the palace serves as a bunker with living quarters for Charon, commander and leader of the Monolith forces in Pripyat, which is also in charge of the Monolith defenses of the city. be457b7860

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